
Rosalba ZIZZA Curriculum

Rosalba Zizza graduated (cum laude) in Computer Science in 1997 (Univ. of Salerno), with a thesis on the theory of variable-length codes. From 1997 to 2001 she carried out studies and research at the Univ. Milan / Milano-Bicocca, in collaboration with the research group Molecular Computing and Bioinformatics. In 2002 she received the PhD in Computer Science at the University of Milan with a thesis on the computational power of splicing systems, molecular models of computation. From 2002 to 2004, she has been awarded a scholarship post-doc (theme: Splicing systems and automata theory) at the DIA (Univ. of Salerno) and in 2004 a research grant on "Formal languages, codes variable length, splicing systems ". From 2005 to 2022 she has beenn assistant professor in Computer Science at the Faculty of Sciences. Since March 2022 she is Associate Professor. She teaches courses both in the Bachelor’s annd in the Master's degree in Computer Science. She coordinates thesis and Internships for several candidates. She directed thesis on research topics in the theory of formal languages, variable length codes, molecular computing annd bioinformatics. She is member of the Commission Guidance Input of the degree course in Computer Science.

She is referee for articles for international conferences and journals. She has participated in national and international research projects, the European project "MolCoNet: A Thematic Network on Molecular Computing" - V Framework Programme (IST-2001-32008), and was co-responsible for the preparation of the Annual Report RoadMap. She has been a member of the Bioinformatics and Molecular Computing group (Univ. of Milano-Bicocca) and EMCC (European Molecular Computing Consortium). She has been invited speaker at the meeting ESF Science Meeting "Automata and formal languages for DNA computation and bioinformatics" (Como, October 18-20, 2006). She is curator for Scholarpedia in the category Molecular Computing, on the topic "Splicing Systems."

Her main research topics regards variable-length code theory, molecular computing and bioinformatics. She studied linear and circular splicing systems, introduced by Head, Paun and Pixton, with particular reference to systems with finite number of rules and axioms.Recently, she has been involved in the design of efficient algorithms for reliable DNA computing. He is currently studying Bioinformatics issues related to the use of word combinatorics for genomic reads analysis. He is curator for Scholarpedia in the category Molecular Computing, on the topic "Splicing Systems".