Michele NINO | Curriculum
Michele NINO Curriculum
Full Professor of International Law, Department of Legal Sciences (School of Law), University of Salerno, Italy (March 2024 - )
- Winner of the comparative evaluation procedure for a position of Full Professor (competition sector: 12/E1 "International law"; profile: IUS/13 "International law"), pursuant to article 18, paragraph 1, of Law 240/2010, announced by University of Salerno (D.R. 669/2023) (November 2023)
Associate Professor of International Law, Department of Legal Sciences (School of Law), University of Salerno, Italy (March 2017 - February 2024)
National Habilitation as Full Professor in the scientific sector 12/E1 “International Law” (session 2016-2018) (August 2018 - February 2018). Habilitation obtained by unanimous vote of the National Scientific Committee
Winner of the comparative evaluation procedure for a position of Associate Professor (competition sector: 12/E1 International law; profile: IUS/13 International law), pursuant to article 18, paragraph 1, of Law 240/2010, announced by University of Salerno (D.R. 5532/2016) (February 2017)
National Habilitation as Associate Professor in the scientific sector 12/E1 “International and European Union Law” (session 2013) (December 2014-February 2017). Habilitation obtained by unanimous vote of the National Scientific Committee
Holder of the Course of "International Law", Department of Legal Sciences (School of Law), University of Salerno (since a.y. 2015/2016 to date)
Holder of the Course of the Law Clinic in “International Protection of Human Rights”, Department of Legal Sciences (School of Law), University of Salerno (since a.y. 2019/2020 to date)
Key Teacher of the Jean Monnet EU-GLOBACT Course (Transnational Crime and EU Law) - Responsible of the section “Transnational Crime, EU Law and New Technologies”, Department of Legal Sciences (School of Law) of the University of Salerno (2023-2025)
Holder of the Course of "Applied International Law", Department of Political Sciences and Communication, University of Salerno (a.y. 2021/2022)
Holder of the Course of "Institutions of International Law", Department of Political Sciences and Communication, University of Salerno (a.y. 2020/2021)
Holder of the Course of the “Law Laboratory” of International Law, Department of Legal Sciences (School of Law), University of Salerno (a.y. 2017/2018; 2018/2019)
- Researcher of International Law, Faculty of Law - now Department of Legal Sciences (School of Law) - University of Salerno (2005-2017). Senior Researcher since 2008
- Aggregate Professor of International Law, Department of Legal Sciences (School of Law), University of Salerno (2015-2017)
- Aggregate Professor of "International Law of Armed Conflicts", Faculty of Law - now Department of Legal Sciences (School of Law) - University of Salerno (2010-2015)
Invited Professor - Holder of the Course “Aspects of Private and Public International Law”, Juristische Fakultät, University Ruprecht-Karls of Heidelberg, Germany (a.y. 2021/2022)
Professor invited to give a cycle of lessons (in Public International Law), Departamento de Derecho Internacional Público y Relaciones Internacionales, University of Seville, Spain (a.y. 2021/2022)
- Professor invited to give a cycle of lessons (in Public International Law and European Union Law), Departamento de Derecho Internacional, Eclesiástico y Filosofía del Derecho, University "Carlos III" of Madrid, Spain (a.y. 2021/2022)
- Invited Professor - Holder of the Course “Aspects of Public International Law”, Juristische Fakultät, University Ruprecht-Karls of Heidelberg, Germany (a.y. 2019/2020)
Professor invited to give a cycle of lessons (in International Law and European Union Law), Faculdade de Direito, University of Lisbon, Portugal (a.y. 2018/2019)
- Professor invited to give a cycle of lessons (in Public International Law and European Union Law), Departamento de Derecho Internacional, Eclesiástico y Filosofía del Derecho, University "Carlos III" of Madrid, Spain (a.y. 2018/2019)
- Invited Professor - Holder of the Course “Aspects of Public International Law”, Juristische Fakultät, University Ruprecht-Karls of Heidelberg, Germany (a.y. 2018/2019)
- Professor invited to give a cycle of lessons (in Public International Law and European Union Law), Juristische Fakultät, University Ruprecht-Karls of Heidelberg, Germany (a.y. 2017/2018)
Professor invited to give a cycle of lessons (in Public International Law and European Union Law), Pravni Fakultet (Faculty of Law), University of Split, Croatia (2018)
Professor invited to give a cycle of lessons (in Public International Law and European Union Law), Departamento de Derecho Internacional, Eclesiástico y Filosofía del Derecho, University "Carlos III" of Madrid, Spain (2018)
- Professor invited to give a cycle of lessons (in Public International Law and European Union Law), Departamento de Derecho Internacional, Eclesiástico y Filosofía del Derecho, University "Carlos III" of Madrid, Spain (2016)
- Invited Professor - Holder of the Course “Aspects of Public International Law”, Juristische Fakultät, University Ruprecht-Karls of Heidelberg, Germany (a.y. 2016/2017)
- Invited Professor - Holder of the Course “Aspects of Public International Law”, Juristische Fakultät, University Ruprecht-Karls of Heidelberg, Germany (a.y. 2015/2016)
- Invited Professor - Holder of the Course ““Focus on Current Problems of Public International Law”, Fakultät für Rechtswissenschaft und Volkswirtschaftslehre (School of Law and Economics), University of Mannheim, Germany (2016)
- Lecturer (in Public International Law and International Humanitarian Law), School of Law, Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance, Utrecht University, The Netherlands (2014)
Lecturer at the Course “La lotta al terrorismo nella prospettiva europea: tra prevenzione e repressione” (corso intitolato alla memoria di Vittorio Occorsio) (“The fight against terrorism in the European perspective: between prevention and repression” (course dedicated to the memory of Vittorio Occorsio), organized by the Italian Higher School of Magistracy - Decentralized structure at the Supreme Court of Cassation (Rome, Supreme Court of Cassation, 24-26 October 2018). Title lecture: “La lotta al terrorismo internazionale e la tutela della privacy: profili di diritto interno, internazionale ed euro-unitario” (The fight against international terrorism and the protection of privacy: issues of national, international and European law)
Professor at CEPOL Course (European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training) “Cybercrime: Threats and Trends” organized by LUISS School of Law, Rome; title lecture: “Fundamental Rights in a Digital Era” (2018)
Professor at the Specialization School for Legal Professions, University of Salerno (a.y. 2015/2016; 2016/2017; 2017/2018; 2018/2019; 2019/2020; 2020/2021; 2021/2022)
- Professor at the Summer Law School on International and European Environmental Law, University of Salerno (2015; 2016)
- Professor of International Law and International Organizations of S.I.C.S.I. (Inter-University School of the Campania Region for Specialization in Teaching), University of Sannio (2004-2007)
- Member of the Scientific Council of the Ph.D. program in "Legal Sciences", Department of Legal Sciences (School of Law), University of Salerno (2013/2014)
- Member of the Scientific Council of the Ph.D. program in "International law and national law in international matters: Public Ethics, Stakeholders, Person and CSR (corporate social responsibility) PESPECO", University of Salerno (2011-2013)
- Member of the Scientific Council of the Ph.D. program in "International law and national law in international matters", University of Salerno (2007-2011)
- Professor in the Ph.D. program in "Legal Sciences", Department of Legal Sciences (School of Law), University of Salerno (2014; 2015)
- Professor in the Ph.D. program in "International law and national law in international matters", University of Salerno (2006, 2008-2011)
- Ph. D. in "International law and national law in international matters", University of Salerno (2006)
- Research Fellow, Department of International Studies, University of Salerno (2004-2005)
- Degree in Law "summa cum laude", University of Naples "Federico II" (2001)
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the Series “Diritto dell’innovazione/Innovation Law” (edited by: G. Contaldi, G. Martinico, G. Morgese, O. Pollicino, G.M. Ruotolo), Giappichelli, Turin (2024 -)
- Member of the Editorial Committee (Consejo Editorial) of the “Revista Española de Empresas y Derechos Humanos”, A Coruña, Editorial Colex (2022 -)
- Member of the Referees Committee of the Review “La cittadinanza europea online”. Rivista di studi e documentazione sull’integrazione europea (2022 -)
- Member of the Scientific Coordinators of the “International and European Criminal Law Observatory on Cultural Issues, Human Rights, and Security” (IECLO-CUHRSE) Department of Legal Sciences (School of Law), University of Salerno (2022 -)
Member of the Referees Committee of the Review “Freedom Security & Justice: European Legal Studies”, Editoriale Scientifica, Naples (2021 -)
Member of the Technical-Advisory Committee of the "Observatory on the European Area of Freedom, Security and Justice”, Department of Legal Sciences, University of Salerno (2021 -)
Member of the Referees Committee of the Review “Diritto pubblico comparato ed europeo” (Comparative and European public law) (printed and online), Il Mulino, Bologna (September 2019 -)
- Member of the Editorial Board of the Review "Diritti umani e diritto internazionale" (Human Rights and International Law), Il Mulino, Bologna (2013 -)
- Editorial Assistant of the "The Global Community. Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence", Oceana/Oxford University Press, New York (2007-July 2012)
- Member of the Editorial Board of "Jura Gentium. Rivista di filosofia del diritto internazionale e della politica globale" (Jura Gentium. Journal of Philosophy of International Law and Global Politics), Section of Philosophy and History of International Law, Florence (2014 -)
- Member of the Editorial Board of "Rivista di diritto dei trasporti e degli scambi internazionali" (Review of Transport Law and of Commercial Exchanges), Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, Naples (2011 -)
- Guest Researcher at the Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht/Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law (Heidelberg, Germany) (2010; 2014; 2015)
- He was granted a fellowship financed by Max-Planck (Max-Planck Fellowship) (December 2014)
- Guest Researcher at the School of Law, Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance, Utrecht University, The Netherlands (2014)
Beneficiary of the “finanziamento delle attività base di ricerca” (financing of basic research activities) (FFABR) 2017 for associate professors, Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research
- Scientific Director of research programs financed by University of Salerno (ex 60 %) (2006-2017); Member of research programs financed by University of Salerno and presented by Professors of University of Salerno (ex 60 %) (2006-2021); Member of a research program of relevant national interest - PRIN 2009, financed by the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research; Member of a research program 2006, financed by Campania Region, Law No. 5/2002 (annuity 2005)
Reviewer for the Evaluation of Research Quality 2015-2019 (VQR 2015-2019) - GEV 12, Legal Sciences Area
Reviewer for the Evaluation of Research Quality 2011-2014 (VQR 2011-2014) - GEV 12, Legal Sciences Area
Results obtained in the Evaluation of Research Quality 2015-2019 (VQR 2015-2019): 1. Eccellente ed estremamente rilevante (Excellent and extremely relevant); 2. Eccellente (Excellent); 3. Eccellente (Excellent); 4. Standard (Standard)
Results obtained in the Evaluation of Research Quality 2011-2014 (VQR 2011-2014): 0,70 Elevato (High); 0,70 Elevato (High)
- He attended various specialization courses in International law and European Union law: Course of Community law for lawyers, judges and experts in commercial law, organized by S.I.O.I. (Società Italiana per la Organizzazione Internazionale/The Italian Society for International Organization), Naples, 2003; Specialization Course in International Criminal Law, organized by I.S.I.S.C. (International Institute of Higher Studies in Criminal Sciences), Syracuse, 2003; Specialization Course in International Criminal Law, organized by I.S.I.S.C. (International Institute of Higher Studies in Criminal Sciences), Syracuse, 2005; Summer Course on Public International Law, The Hague Academy of International Law, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2011; Summer Course on Public International Law, The Hague Academy of International Law, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2016.
- Speaker at meetings, conferences, and seminars in Italy and abroad:
- Second Inaugural Conference of the Jean Monnet Module “EU-GLOBACT” - II Convegno italo-spagnolo “Diritto al cibo e sovranità alimentare nell'ordinamento internazionale ed europeo” - II Congreso italo-español “Derecho a la alimentación y soberanía alimentaria en el ordenamiento jurídico internacional y europeo”- II Italian-Spanish Conference “Right to food and food sovereignty in the international and European legal system” (University of Salerno, 13 November 2024): title of lecture: “Gli effetti del fenomeno del land grabbing sul diritto al cibo” (The effects of the phenomenon of land grabbing on the right to food)
- XXVIII Annual Conference of the Italian Society of International Law and European Union Law (S.I.D.I.): “La povertà nel diritto internazionale e dell’Unione europea” (University of Palermo, 5-7 June 2024); title: lecture: “Il fenomeno del land grabbing: inquadramento sistematico” (The phenomenon of land grabbing: systematic overview) (7 June 2024)
Dialoghi sull’intelligenza artificiale - Dialogues on Artificial Intelligence (National Research Council (CNR) - Institute for Research on Innovation and Services for Development (IRISS), Naples, 24 April 2024); title lecture: “Ricerca, protezione dei dati e lotta alla disinformazione nella nuova era digitale” (Research, data protection and the fight to disinformation in the new digital age)
Conference: “International law in times of crisis. The crisis of international law” (University of Verona, 12 April 2024); title lecture: “The norm of territorial sovereignty in international law: crisis and evolution”
Conference: “Informazione, disinformazione, moderazione. Quali obblighi per le piattaforme online?” (University of Bari “Aldo Moro”, 22 March 2024); title lecture: “L’accesso dei ricercatori ai dati delle piattaforme e l'impatto sulla libertà di informazione” (Researchers’ access to platform data and the impact on freedom of information)
Inaugural Conference of the Jean Monnet Module “EU-GLOBACT”: “Transnational Crime, Global Emergencies and Human Rights: The Judicial Cooperation for the Protection of Common Values of the European Union” (University of Salerno, 7 March 2024): title lecture: “Criminalità organizzata e nuove tecnologie nell’era digitale nel diritto internazionale e dell’Unione europea” (The organized crime and new technologies in the digital age in international and European Union law)
- Conference of the Jean Monnet Chair “Promoting Public Awareness on Enlargement Policy, EU Values and The Western Balkans’ Accession”: “Security Standards v. Human Rights Standards in Cross-Border Police and Judicial Cooperation” (University of Salerno, 11 May 2023): title lecture: “Il rapporto tra privacy e sicurezza nella recente prassi dei tribunali internazionali” (The Relationship Between Privacy and Security in the Recent Case Law of International Courts)
- Regional Conference organized within the framework of UMAU (Union Mondiale des Agrairistes Universitaires - World Union of Agriculatural Law) (University “Cadi Ayyad” of Marrakesh and Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of Souss-Massa, Agadir, Morocco, 2-5 March 2023); title lecture: “Acaparamiento de tierras y seguridad alimentaria: los efectos del fenómeno sobre los derechos humanos de las comunidades locales” (Land grabbing and food security: the effects of the phenomenon on the human rights of local communities) (2 March 2023)
- Seminar: “Sicurezza e diritti nello spazio digitale europeo” (University of Salerno, 2 December 2022; title lecture: “Il rapporto tra privacy e sicurezza nell’era digitale” (The relationship between privacy and security in the digital age)
Conference: “Essere donna a Teheran. Prospettive giuridiche interdisciplinari nel dialogo con gli studenti” (University of Salerno, 25 November 2022); title lecture: “La tutela delle bambine madri nel diritto internazionale ed europeo” (The protection of child mothers in international and European law)
Summer School “The Governance in the digital age” (organized by the University of Foggia, 3-9 September 2022); title lecture: “La sorveglianza massiva dei dati personali. Un cambio di paradigma nel diritto internazionale ed europeo” (The massive surveillance of personal data. A paradigm shift in international and European law) (5 September 2022)
Congreso Internacional: “Empresas y derechos humanos: nuevos desafíos” (University “Jaume I” of Castellón (Spain), 7-8 July 2022); title lecture: “Land grabbing, empresas y derechos humanos” (Land grabbing, enterprises and human rights) (7 July 2022)
Conference: “Due diligence d’impresa per tutelare diritti umani e ambiente nella filiera agroalimentare. Quali sfide per una normativa europea efficace?” (National Research Council (CNR) - Institute for Research on Innovation and Services for Development (IRISS), Naples, 15 June 2022); title lecture: “Land grabbing e filiera agroalimentare” (Land grabbing and agri-food chain)
Conference of the “Jean Monnet Module EU-Western Balkans Cooperation on Justice and Home Affairs, 3° edition”: “Transnational Crimes, Human Rights and Rule of Law at International and EU Level” (University of Salerno, 22 April 2022): title lecture: “Terrorismo transnazionale, criminalità organizzata e privacy: un nuovo paradigma per la tutela dei diritti umani e la sicurezza nell’Unione europea” (Transnational terrorism, organized crime and privacy: a new paradigm for the protection of human rights and security in the European Union)
Seminar: “Derecho internacional del medio ambiente: arbitraje y cambio climático” (Università di Siviglia, 6 aprile 2022); title lecture: “Arbitraje internacional y cambio climático”
Conference: “II Congreso Internacional Land and Human Rights. Avances en la aplicación de los Derechos de los Campesinos y otras personas que trabajan en el mundo rural” (University of Sevilla (Spain) 13-14 December 2021); title lecture “La protección de los derechos rurales de los campesinos perjudicados por las políticas de acaparamiento de tierras” (14 December 2021)
Conference of the International Law Association (ILA) (Italian Branch): “International Law and Cyberspace” (University of Bologna, in partnership with the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Universities of Westminster and Milan, 12 November 2021); title lecture: “The Freedom of Expression in Cyberspace”
- Lecture at the Course “Educazione alla cittadinanza digitale: la Carta dei diritti e dei doveri della scuola digitale” (University of Naples “L’Orientale”, 5-9 July 2021); title of the lecture: “Diritto alla privacy: inquadramento generale alla luce degli ordinamenti europeo e nazionale” (Right to privacy: general framework in the light of European and national legal systems) (5 July 2021)
Conference: “Internet e diritti fondamentali: innovazioni legislative e criticità applicative” (Council of the Salerno Bar, 19 April 2021); title lecture: “Libertà di espressione e diritto d’autore nella giurisprudenza europea” (Freedom of expression and copyright in European case-law)
- Convegno: “La prevenzione e il contrasto dei fenomeni di terrorismo internazionale tra diritto internazionale, diritto dell’Unione europea e ordinamenti nazionali (University of Foggia, 29 March 2021); title lecture: “Extraordinary renditions, segreto di Stato e tutela dei diritti umani nella prevenzione e repressione degli atti di terrorismo” (Extraordinary renditions, State secret and protection of human rights in the prevention and repression of acts of terrorism)
- Inaugural Conference of the “Jean Monnet Module EU-Western Balkans Cooperation on Justice and Home Affairs, 2nd edition” (University of Salerno, 3 March 2021); title lecture: “Il trasferimento dei dati personali dall’Unione europea agli Stati Uniti dopo la sentenza Schrems II” (The transfers of personal data from European Union to third States after the Schrems II judgment)
- Conference: “CEDU e ordinamento italiano. Itinerari giurisprudenziali a 70 anni dalla firma della Convenzione europea” (University of Salerno, 28 October, 6, 12, 24 November 2020); title lecture: “La problematica della compatibilità delle extraordinary renditions e del segreto di Stato italiano con la CEDU” (The issue of the compatibility of extraordinary renditions and of the Italian State secret with the ECHR (24 November 2020)
I Congreso Italo-español sobre la lucha en clave judicial frente al cambio climático” (I Italo-Spanish Congress on the judicial fight against climate change) (University “Jaume I” of Castellón, Spain, 19-20 November 2020); title lecture: “Arbitraje y cambio climático” (Arbitration and climate change) (19 November 2020)
Conference: “Libertà di espressione e informazione e proprietà intellettuale nel diritto internazionale europeo e contemporaneo” (National Research Council (CNR) - Institute for Research on Innovation and Services for Development (IRISS), Naples, 14 November 2019); title lecture: “Il rapporto tra libertà di espressione e copyright nella prassi internazionale” (The relationship between freedom of expression and copyright in the international practice)
- XV Annual Conference of the European Society of International Law: “Sovereignty: A Concept in Flux?” (Athens, 12-14 September 2019) (title of the presentation: “The evolution of the concept of territorial sovereignty. From the traditional Westphalian system to the State-peoples binomial” (13 September 2019)
- Round Table “Persone - Imprese - Ambiente. Il difficile percorso del diritto di eguaglianza: tra liberalismo economico, individualismo e giustizia sociale. Il ruolo del professionista del diritto” (Pegaso Online University, Naples, 18 April 2019); title lecture: “Il Landgrabbing tra sviluppo economico e tutela dei diritti delle comunità locali” (The Landgrabbing between economic development and protection of the rights of local communities)
- Intervention on the occasion of the Conference - Lectio of Professor Eugenio Raúl Zaffaroni, Judge of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, on: “The Inter-American human rights system and the Latin American reality” (title of the intervention: “The case law of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights concerning the protection of indigenous peoples” (University of Salerno, 11 April 2019)
- Seminar: “I diritti umani a settant’anni dalla Dichiarazione Universale delle Nazioni Unite” (Human Rights Seventy Years After the Universal Declaration of the United Nations) (University of Naples “L’Orientale”, 10 December 2018); title lecture: “Il fenomeno del land grabbing e la tutela dei diritti umani (The phenomenon of land grabbing and the protection of human rights)
- Lecture at Department of Law, University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”; title lecture: “Land Grabbing e sovranità territoriale” (Land Grabbing and territorial sovereignty) (20 November 2018)
- Lecture at University "Rey Juan Carlos" of Madrid (Spain); title lecture: “La relación entre la libertad de expresión y el derecho de autor: críticas a la luz de la práctica nacional e internacional” (23 April 2018)
- Seminar in the Ph. D. program in “Legal Sciences”, Department of Law, University of Foggia; title lecture: “I Big Data: dati personali e non personali nel diritto internazionale e dell’Unione europea” (Big Data: personal and no personal data in international and European Union Law) (1 October 2018)
- Workshop: ““Il Piano d’Azione Nazionale su impresa e diritti umani. Analisi e prospettive” (National Research Council (CNR) - Institute for Research on Innovation and Services for Development (IRISS), Naples, 3 July 2018); title lecture: “Il Piano d’Azione Nazionale nei processi produttivi globali: investimenti italiani all’estero e Land Grabbing” (The National Action Plan in global production processes: Italian investments abroad and Land Grabbing)
- Round Table: “Big Data: prospettive di diritto internazionale e dell’Unione europea” (University of Ferrara, 6 June 2018); title lecture: “Big data e trasferimento dei dati tra UE e USA” (Big data and data transfer between EU and USA)
- Participation/intervention to the presentation of the book of Vittorio Emanuele Parsi, Titanic. Il naufragio dell’ordine liberale, Il Mulino, 2018 University of Salerno, 20 April 2018)
- Conference: "Il mercato unico digitale" (University of Macerata, 26 October 2016); title lecture: "Il nuovo regolamento europeo sulla protezione dei dati personali: quadro generale" (The new European regulation on protection of personal data: general overview)
- Lecture (International Conference) at La Facultad de Derecho de Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas of Lima - UPC (Perù); title lecture: “The definition of terrorism in international law and the jurisdiction of International Criminal Court” (8 August 2016)
- Conference: "Festa dell'Europa 2016. I giovani e il futuro dell'Europa: dubbi e prospettive" (University of Salerno, 9 May 2016); title lecture: "Contrasto al terrorismo internazionale" (The fight against international terrorism)
- Lecture in the Ph.D. program in "Legal Sciences", Department of Law, University of Cagliari; title lecture: "Terrorismo e giurisdizione della Corte penale internazionale" (Terrorism and jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court) (2 March 2016)
- Conference: "La protezione dei dati personali e informatici nell'era della sorveglianza globale" (University of Messina, 7 November 2015); title lecture: "La lotta globale al terrorismo internazionale e la protezione della privacy e dei dati personali" (The global fight against international terrorism and the protection of privacy and personal data)
- Lecture at the Institut für Völkerrecht, University of Bonn (Germany), "Lunchtime Lectures Summer Term 2013" (Director of the Course: prof. Stefan Talmon); title lecture: "State immunity from civil jurisdiction in labour matters: evolutions and perspectives" (11 July 2013)
- Conference "La Convenzione europea dei diritti dell'uomo e delle libertà fondamentali: profili applicativi" (University of Salerno, 9 January 2013); title lecture: "Tutela della privacy e dei dati personali nella CEDU" (The protection of privacy and personal data in the ECHR)
- Conference "Tutela e valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale: profili di diritto interno ed internazionale" (University of Salerno, 6 June 2011); title lecture: "La protezione internazionale dei beni culturali nei conflitti armati" (The international protection of cultural property during armed conflicts)
- Global Law Research-Annual Meeting - "Diritto globale e cinema". Seminario - Genocidio in Rwanda: Risposte del diritto globale a crisi globali (University of Salerno, 14 May 2009); title lecture: "Crimini contro l'umanità e terrorismo internazionale" (Crimes against humanity and international terrorism)
- I World Conference on Penal Law organized by AIDP (Association internationale de Droit Penal/International Association of Penal Law), "Penal Law in the XXI century" (Guadalajara, Jalisco (Mexico), 19-23 November 2007); title lecture: Extraordinary renditions: the role of European security services in the fight against international terrorism
- Global Law Research - Annual Meeting (University of Salerno, 18-19 June 2007); title lecture: "La giurisdizione penale universale, reato di terrorismo internazionale e la istituzione delle Commissioni militari speciali" (The universal criminal jurisdiction, the offence of international terrorism and the Special Military Committees)
- Conference: "La costruzione del 'nuovo' diritto delle persone e della famiglia nell'ordinamento italiano e dell'Unione europea" (University of Salerno, 24 January 2005); title lecture: "Il diritto al ricongiungimento familiare nell'Unione europea e la legge Bossi-Fini" (The right to family reunification in the European Union and the Bossi-Fini legislation)
- Author of the post on SIDIBlog (the blog of the Italian Society of International Law and European Union Law), La Corte di giustizia UE dichiara l'invalidità del sistema di Safe Harbour: la sentenza Schrems, available at http://www.sidiblog.org/2015/10/24/la-corte-di-giustizia-ue-dichiara-linvalidita-del-sistema-di-safe-harbour-la-sentenza-schrems/.
- Cultore della materia (Subject expert), Faculty of Law, University of Salerno in: International law (a.y. 2002/2003; 2003/2004); International protection of human rights (a.y. 2002/2003; 2003/2004)
- Cultore della materia (Subject expert), Faculty of Economics, University of Sannio in: International law (a.y. 2003/2004; 2005/2006; 2006/2007; 2007/2008); European Union Law (a.y. 2003/2004; 2005/2006; 2006/2007); European Community Law (a.y. 2003/2004; 2005/2006; 2006/2007); International Organizations (a.y. 2003/2004)
Member of the Scientific Committee of the “I Congreso Italo-español sobre la lucha en clave judicial frente al cambio climático” (I Italo-Spanish Congress on the judicial fight against climate change) (University “Jaume I” of Castellón, Spain, 19-20 November 2020)
Delegate for instrumental resources, Department of Legal Sciences (School of Law), University of Salerno (2024 -)
Member of the Commission for the appointment of experts in the subject Department of Legal Sciences (School of Law), University of Salerno (2024)
Member of the Permanent Commission for cultural initiatives, Department of Legal Sciences (School of Law), University of Salerno (2023 -)
- Member of the Committee for the drafting of the Regulation of the Department of Legal Sciences (School of Law), University of Salerno (2016)
- Member of the Commission for the International Mobility, Department of Legal Sciences (School of Law), University of Salerno (2016 -)
- Co-founder and member of the Group of Interest of the Italian Society of International Law and European Union Law “Diritto internazionale ed europeo dello sport” (International and European Sports Law) (2024 -)
Co-founder and member of the Group of Interest of the Italian Society of International Law and European Union Law “Diritto internazionale dell’economia” (International Economic Law) (2019 -)
- Co-founder and member of the Management Committee of the Group of Interest of the Italian Society of International Law and European Union Law “Diritto internazionale e Diritto dell’Unione europea e nuove tecnologie” (International Law and European Union Law and New Technologies) (2016 -)
- Member of the Group of Interest of the Italian Society of International Law and European Union Law “Diritto internazionale e dell'UE in materia di salute” (International and EU Law in health matters” (2016 -)
Member of the Group of Interest of the Italian Society of International Law and European Union Law “Diritto internazionale ed europeo dei diritti umani” (International and European Law of Human Rights) (2017 -)
- Member of the Italian Society of International Law and European Union Law (Società Italiana di Diritto Internazionale e di Diritto dell'Unione Europea) (S.I.D.I.)) (2007 -)
- Member of the European Society of International Law (E.S.I.L.) (2004; 2014 -)
Member of the International Law Association (I.L.A.), Italy (2023)
- Member of the Italian Society of Scholars of Civil Law (Società Italiana degli Studiosi del Diritto Civile (S.I.S.Di.C)) (2011-2013)
- Lawyer enrolled in the ordinary list, Naples Bar Association (2004-2005); Lawyer enrolled in the special list of full-time University Professors, Naples Bar Association (2005 -)
- Knowledge of foreign languages: English (spoken and written: very good knowledge); French (spoken: good knowledge; written: very good knowledge); Spanish (spoken and written: very good knowledge)
prof. Nino is author of two books (Terrorismo internazionale, privacy e protezione dei dati personali, Naples, 2012; Land grabbing e sovranità territoriale in diritto internazionale, Editoriale Scientifica, Naples, 2018) and of several articles published in scientific journals and edited books. prof. Nino’s research activity regards some topics of international law and European Union law, such as: the phenomenon of extraordinary renditions in international law; the definition of international terrorism in the Italian legal system; the effects of decisions of the European Court of Human Rights on domestic criminal courts; the European arrest warrant and the preventive detention; the immigration offences in the European Union; the relationship between the fight against terrorism and the protection of human rights; the protection of privacy and personal data in the fight against terrorism; the safeguard of privacy in the digital area; the protection and promotion of sport in the European Union; the international terrorism and the Statute of International Criminal Court; the regulation of gambling and games of chance in the European Union; the mediation in civil and commercial matters in the European Union and the principle of effective judicial protection; the European Union transport policy, the protection of environment and the sustainable development; the prohibition of discrimination and the right of education of national minorities in Europe; State immunity from civil jurisdiction in labor matters; the application of the international conventions on corruption in the Italian legal system; the implications of land grabbing on territorial sovereignty and the right to land of indigenous peoples; the relationship between freedom of expression and copyright in international and European law; the relationship between arbitration and right to a fair trial in international and European law; the relationship between international arbitration and climate change; the relationship between hate speech and freedom of expression in international and European law; the public-private partnership (PPP) in the international legal system; the relationship between international terrorism, refugee status and public order.