
Giuseppe Andrea TETI Curriculum

Andrea Teti received an MA (Jt Hons. Economics & IR) and a PhD in International Relations from the School of International Relations at the University di St Andrews. During his PhD, he held a Teaching Fellowship in St Andrews (2000-01) and was a Visiting Lecturer at the Universities of Bristol (2003), Plymouth (2004) and Exeter (2004-05), before becoming a Lecturer at the University of Plymouth (2005) and moving to Aberdeen University in 2007, where he became an Associate Professor in 2014. He has worked as a scientific consultant for both national and international governmental bodies and for human rights advocacy organizations, as well as appearing on national and international media.

He is currently Associate Professor of Political Science and International Relations at the DiSPC of the University of Salerno as well as Managing Editor of Middle East Critique (Q1 journal in ScImago/WoS sectors History, Cultural Studies, and Q1/Q2 in Politics) and a 'Fascai À journal for 14/A2 and 14/B2 disciplinary sectors in Italy. Professor Teti previously held Visiting Fellowships at the Institute for Advanced Studies of the University of Bologna (2020), at the GramsciLab (University of Cagliari, 2018-19), the Middle East and North Africa Research Group (MENA-RG) of the University of Ghent (2018), and was ACES Europe Visiting Fellow at the University of Amsterdam (2015-16). He was also Chief Scientist and Consortium Leader for the EU funded FP7 Arab Transformations Project (2015-16), Trustee and Council Member for the British Society for Middle East Studies (BRISMES) (2019-22), where he continues to serve on the Committee on Academic Freedom (CAF). He is also co-founder/co-chair of the Critical Middle East Studies (CMES) network.

Andrea Teti has been a member of the teaching staff of several doctoral programs at the University Aberdeen including Interdisciplinary Approaches to Violence (IDAV), the doctoral program of the Centre for Civil Society and Rule of Law (CISRUL) and the Marie Curie COFUND program Marie Curie COFUND Political Concepts in the World (POLITICO). Since 2007, he has supervised 13 doctoral projects. He currently teaches and supervises in the POLICOM doctoral programme.

His research focuses on EU-Middle East relations and he has published extensively on democratization, Egyptian politics, 'continental' political theory (e.g. Constructivism, Orientalism, Michel Foucault (2019, 2020)) and knowledge production on the Middle East Orient in the Social Sciences (e.g. 2007, 2009, 2023). The main strands that cross his research are: 1) the relationship between knowledge production and forms of power, and 2) the use of discourse analysis to analyze how political actors conceive and act in pursuing objectives such as democracy, development, or security. In the former, he has published widely cited analyzes of the so-called 'Area Studies Controversy' (2007, 2023), while in the latter strand he has developed innovative uses of Critical Discourse Analysis applied to EU policy towards the Middle East (e.g. 2012, 2013 , 2015) and criticisms of orthodox models of democratization.

Andrea Teti is lead author of Democratization Against Democracy: How EU Policy Fails the Middle East (2020), The Arab Uprisings in Tunisia, Egypt and Jordan (2018), and is co-editor of Informal Power in the Greater Middle East: Hidden Geographies (2014) with Gennaro Gervasio and Luca Anceschi. He has also published works on corruption, the role of young people in the Arab revolts, on conceptions of democracy in Arab countries, as well as numerous analyzes on Egyptian politics.

Professor Teti also appears in international media (for example the BBC, Al-Jazeera English, France24, Canadian CBC, Australian SBS, Deutsche Welle, and RAI) regularly contributing to OpenDemocracy and The Conversation, with various contributions appearing in Newsweek , Middle East Report, The Scotsman, To Vima, Il Manifesto, Il Fatto Quotidiano, Minima et Moralia, Lavoro Culturale, Reuters Egypt, Egypt Independent and others.