
Giuseppe Andrea TETI Publications

Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio)
Simulacra of Sovereignty and Statehood: The Biopolitics of Deferral, Simulation and Subalternity.
In G Teti Sovereignty and its Discontents Pag.30-36 Aberdeen The University of Aberdeen.
Teti, G
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Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.57064/2164/23201
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Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio)
The Foundations of Hegemony in Egypt Before and After the Arab Uprisings: Disgregazione, Organic Intellectuals, and the ‘Southern Question’ as Method.
In PHILOSOPHY, HISTORY AND POLITICAL THOUGHT IN ISLAM: Essays in Memory of Massimo Campanini Pag.155-178 Gorgias Press.
ISBN:9781463247775; 9781463247782
Teti, G; Gervasio, G
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