

Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio)
Marsico, G. (2020). Adolescence as a Cultural Stage of Human Life. In M. Watzlawik and A. Burkholder (Eds.), Becoming Who You Are in a World Full of Expectations: Educating Adolescents around the Globe, Cultural Psychology of Education, 11, (pp.v-vii), Cham, CH: Springer;.
In Becoming Who You Are in a World Full of Expectations: Educating Adolescents around the Globe, Pag.5-7 Cham Springer.
Marsico, Giuseppina
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Marsico, G. (2019). Accessing Otherness: Unity via Multiplicity. In D. S, Guimarães, Dialogical multiplication: principles for an indigenous psychology, Latin American Voices, 2 (pp.v-vii), São Paulo, Brazil;.
In D. S, Guimarães, Dialogical multiplication: principles for an indigenous psychology Pag.5-7 Cham Springer.
Marsico, Giuseppina
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Kullasepp, K., Marsico, G. (Eds.). (2020). The Bordering process in mind and society. In K. Kullasepp, K. & G. Marsico, (Eds.). (2020). Identity at the borders and between the borders, New York: Springer;.
In Identity at the borders and between the borders Pag.1-9 New York Springer.
Marsico, Giuseppina
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Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio)
Valsiner, J., Marsico, G., (2020). Deep Humanity Returns. In R. E. Innis (2020), Between Philosophy and Cultural Psychology: Analytical Resources at the Thresholds of Sense. Psychology and Cultural Developmental Science, (pp. vii.viii), New York: Springer New York:Springer.
In Robert Innis Between Philosophy and Cultural Psychology: Analytical Resources at the Thresholds of Sense. Pag.7-9 New York Springer.
Marsico, Giuseppina
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Marsico G., (2020). Psychotherapy as permeable developmental arena. In M. Llorens, Politically Reflective Psychotherapy: towards a contextulized approach. Latin American Voices, 3 (pp.v-vi), São Paulo, Brazil;.
In M. Llorens Politically Reflective Psychotherapy: towards a contextulized approach. Pag.5-6 New York Springer.
Marsico, Giuseppina
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Kaipper Dias, C., da Rocha L.R. L., Marsico, G. (2020) Construção poética de identidades trans: uma análise a partir da biografia de Liniker, In. I. Ferreira de Melo & N. Duarte de Azevedo (Eds).Corpos dissidentes, corpos resistentes: do caos à lama Campina Grande: Realize Editora;.
In Corpos dissidentes, corpos resistentes: do caos à lama Pag.107-122 Campina Grande: Realize editoras.
Marsico, Giuseppina
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Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio)
Marsico, G. (2020). Gravidez e Parto na Perspectiva da Psicologia Cultural: Liminaridade e Rituais. In A. C. Bastos, V. Volkmer Pontes (Eds). Nascer Não é Igual Para Todas Pessoa. (pp. 575-580). Salvador, Brazil: EDUFBA.
In Nascer Não é Igual Para Todas Pessoa Pag.575-580 SALVADOR EDUFBA.
Marsico, Giuseppina
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Zagaria A. E., Marsico G., Scardigno R., Mininni G. (2020). The dimension of temporality in rare disease stories: Towards a possible future? In. T. Valerio, A.C. Bastos, L. Tateo, From Dream to Action: Imagination And (Im)Possible Futures. Pp. 43-56, Charlotte, N.C. USA: Information Age Publishing..
In From Dream to Action: Imagination And (Im)Possible Futures. Pag.43-56 Charlotte InfoAge Publishing.
Marsico, Giuseppina
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Li, X.W., Xu S., Marsico., G., (2020). Dialogues on basic educational needs : East and West. In S., Xu and G. Marsico (Eds.), (2020). Where Culture Grows: Social Ecology of a Chinese Kindergarten, Cultural Psychology of Education, 12, (pp. 9-15), Cham, CH: Springer;.
In Where Culture Grows: Social Ecology of a Chinese Kindergarten, Pag.1-10 Cham Springer.
Marsico, Giuseppina
Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85096398232
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Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio)
Xu, S., Marsico, G., (2020). Research Tandems in international collaboration: Luxembourg-China. In S., Xu and G. Marsico (Eds.), (2020). Where Culture Grows: Social Ecology of a Chinese Kindergarten, Cultural Psychology of Education, 12, pp. (1-7), Cham, CH: Springer.
In Where Culture Grows: Social Ecology of a Chinese Kindergarten, Cultural Psychology of Education, 12, Cham, CH: Springer Pag.1-13 Springer.
Marsico, Giuseppina
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Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio)
Valsiner, J, Marsico, G., Cornejo, c. (2020). Creating Cultural Psychology of Community: What is needed?. In F. van Alphen & S. Normann (Eds.), Cultural psychology in communities: Tensions and transformations. Annals of Cultural Psychology: Exploring the Frontiers of Mind and Society, (pp. 1-7). Volume 4, Charlotte, N.C. USA: Information Age Publishing;Marsico.
In F. van Alphen & S. Normann Cultural psychology in communities: Tensions and transformations. Pag.1-7 Charlotte InfoAge Publishing.
Marsico, Giuseppina
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Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio)
Marsico, G. (2020). Psychology as an Historical Cultural Product. In M. Massimi, Psychological Knowledge and Practices in Brazilian Culture. Latin American Voices, 4 (pp.vii-ix), São Paulo, Brazil.
In M. Massimi Psychological Knowledge and Practices in Brazilian Culture. Pag.7-9 Cham Springer.
Marsico, Giuseppina
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