

Sara LIPAROTI graduated in Chemical Engineering (cum Laude) at the University of Salerno in 2009. She achieved the Ph.D in 2013 defending a thesis titled “Production of micro and nanoparticles of thermolabile compounds using Supercritical Assisted Atomization”; the related research was accomplished also during a visit at the Friedrich-Alexander- Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), Germany, during which thermodynamic studies on ternary vapor-liquid equilibria were conducted. Sara Liparoti joined the Polymer Technology group of the University of Salerno in 2013 and focused her research on the polymer processes. In 2013 Sara Liparoti also visited the Polymer Innovation Center of the University of Akron (OHIA, US), during that period she developed a device based on poly(amide-imide) loaded carbon black characterized by zero-temperature coefficient, suitable to be used for sensor applications. Since July 2018 she held the National Scientific Habilitation from the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research for the position of Associate Professor in Fundamental in Chemical Engineering. Since 2021 Sara Liparoti is Assistant Professor of Fundamental in Chemical Engineering at the Department of Industrial Engineering at the University of Salerno.

Sara Liparoti main research interests focus on the analysis and characterization of plastic components produced by common and/or innovative processes. In particular, she developed an innovative device for the local control of the mold temperature during the injection molding process. The reduced thickness of such a device allows fast cooling rate, at the deactivation, making almost negligible the increase of the cycle time induced by the heating stage. Additional key aspect of the research of Sara Liparoti is the complex characterization of the plastic parts with advanced techniques. In particular, the HarmoniX Atomic Force Microscope technique allows the simultaneous characterization of the morphology and mechanical properties, with nanometrical resolution. This allows correlating the morphology with the mechanical characteristics. Finally, Sara Liparoti focuses her research on the development of simulation tools for the injection molding process that account for the effect of processing conditions on the crystallization kinetics and on the properties of the final partr.

Since 2019 Sara Liparoti has been editor of two special issues of the international peer-reviewed journal Polymers:

  • Processing-Structure-Properties Relationships in Polymers II (Polymer Analysis) – Polymers – MDPI
  • Advances on Injection Molding of Polymers (Polymer Processing and Performance)– Polymers - MDPI

Since 2021 Sara Liparoti acts in the Editorial board of international peer-reviewed journal Processes (MDPI).

In 2017, Sara Liparoti was awarded with the Young Researcher Travel Award from The Polymer Processing Society.

In 2021, Sara Liparoti was awarded from the Start Cup Campania for her project EasySURFACE “Surfaces with low wettability”.