
Francesco ASCIONE Publications

Contributo in Atti di convegno
Bond behaviour of steel FRP/FRCM systems on concrete substrates: an experimental investigation.
In: Atti del XVII Convegno ANIDIS "L'ingegneria Sismica in Italia" Pisa Pisa University Press Pag.1823-1831
XVII Convegno ANIDIS L'ingegneria Sismica in Italia
Pistoia 17-21 Settembre 2017
Ascione, Francesco; Lamberti, Marco; Napoli, Annalisa; Realfonzo, Roberto
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Contributo in Atti di convegno
Beam-to-column adhesive connection between GFRP profiles.
In: ICCE-25 - 25th Conference of the International Community for Composites Engineering - Proceedings STATI UNITI D'AMERICA David Hui, Luciano Feo Pag.1-2
ICCE-25 - 25th Conference of the International Community for Composites Engineering
Roma 16-22 luglio 2017
Ascione, Francesco; Lamberti, Marco; Minghini, Fabio
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Contributo in Atti di convegno
A new design strategy for the realization of pultruded low cost beams.
In: Proceedings Colloquium Lagrangianum 2015 Pag.1-1
Colloquium Lagrangianum
Parigi 24-25 Settembre
Ascione, Francesco; Lebon, Fréderic; Maurel pantel, Aurélien; Lamberti, Marco
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Contributo in Atti di convegno
FE analysis of pultruded FRP built-up columns.
In: Mechcomp3 - 3rd International Conference on Mechanics of Composites - Proceedings Bologna Esculapio Pag.61-62
Mechcomp3 - 3rd International Conference on Mechanics of Composites
University of Bologna 4-7 luglio 2017
Abu Sahyoun, Fayez; Ascione, Francesco; Lamberti, Marco; Feo, Luciano; Minghini, Fabio; Tullini, Nerio
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Contributo in Atti di convegno
FE modelling of buckling and postbuckling of pultruded FRP built-up columns with closely spaced profiles.
In: ICCE-25 - 25th Conference of the International Community for Composites Engineering - Proceedings David Hui, Luciano Feo Pag.1-2
ICCE-25 - 25th Conference of the International Community for Composites Engineering
Roma 16-22 luglio 2017
Minghini, Fabio; Abu Sahyoun, Fayez; Ascione, Francesco; Lamberti, Marco; Feo, Luciano; Tullini, N. E. R. I. O.
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