Annibale Alessandro PUCA | Curriculum
Curriculum Docente
Annibale Alessandro Puca was born in Naples on April 12, 1967. He graduated from the University Federico II of Naples in Medicine and Surgery in 1991 and specialized in Neurology at the Second University of Naples. His post-graduate experience continued in the laboratories of TIGEM in Milan with Professor Ballabio (1995-1996), in Naples at the Second University of Naples with Professor Nigro (1997-1998), at the Children's Hospital of Boston with Professor Kunkel (1998-2001) and became an Instructor in 2001 at Harvard Medical School. In 2001 he founded a biotechnology start-up, Centagenetix Inc. of which he was Vice President of Research until 2003. In 2001 he founded the Longevity Association incubated at the City of Science with which he recruits the Centenarians of Cilento. In 2006 he held the role of group leader at the IRCCS Multimedica and in 2007 he became a consultant at the ITB-CNR in Segrate. In 2010 he won the qualification for the role of Associate Professor of Clinical Pathology and began working at the University of Salerno in the Department of Medicine in 2011. From 2020 is Full Professor of Medical Genetic (MED/03), and from the beginning of 2024 he holds the position of Director of Department of Medicine, Surgery and Dentistry of University of Salerno. He has an Association with the ITB-CNR and an agreement with IRCSS Multimedica (Milan), as Director of the Laboratory of Genetics and Aging, for the joint development of research topics such as cardiovascular diseases and longevity.
He is Principal investigator of the ongoing main projects
-PNRR 2023, PNRR-MCNT1-2023-12377530: Transferring healthy longevity recombinant protein to counteract sepsis-associated immune and endothelial vascular dysfunctions
-PRIN 2022 PNRR (P2022YZ4BF): The cardiomyocyte-intrinsic role of the glucocorticoid receptor in cardiac aging;
- (PNRR-MAD-2022-12376723) The longevity-associated variant of BPIFB4: a novel tool against thrombocytosis and “aspirin resistance” in diabetes
-NATIONAL CENTER FOR GENE THERAPY AND DRUGS BASED ON RNA TECHNOLOGY”/ Spoke n. 4: Metabolic and cardiovascular diseases
-PRIN 2020 (2020YRETTX_001) The role of Longevity-Associated-Variant of BPIFB4 in the treatment of platelet- related cardiovascular abnormalities in diabetes mellitus.
-Main co-investigator for Medical Research Council (MRC): Healthy longevity gene inspired therapy to rescue cardiovascular disease in progeria (MR/W017385/1)
-Main co-investigator for British Heart Foundation (BHF) :Transferring healthy longevity gene to improve age-related heart dysfunction (PG/66/33838).