DIEGO CACCAVO | Pubblicazioni
DIEGO CACCAVO Pubblicazioni
2024 | |
Articolo in rivista | |
Swelling Behavior of Anionic Hydrogels: Experiments and Modeling GELS. Vol. 10. Pag.1-17 ISSN:2310-2861. | |
De Piano, R.; Caccavo, D.; Barba, A. A.; Lamberti, G. | |
Versione online | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.3390/gels10120813 Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:001385480600001 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85213307678 | |
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2024 | |
Articolo in rivista | |
Analysis and simulation of wet-granulation processes JOURNAL OF THE TAIWAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS. Vol. 159. Pag.1-12 ISSN:1876-1070. | |
Caccavo, Diego; Lamberti, Gaetano; Barba, Anna Angela | |
Versione online | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.1016/j.jtice.2024.105455 Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:001216027700001 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85188570046 | |
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2024 | |
Contributo in Atti di convegno | |
Smart Hydrogels in biomedical applications: pH role on their behavior. In: Proceedings of ChemE-Med 2024 Pag.1-1 | |
ChemE-Med 2024 Chemical Engineering as Applied to Medicine Salerno 20 May 2024 | |
De Piano, Raffaella; Caccavo, Diego; Barba, Anna Angela; Lamberti, Gaetano | |
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2024 | |
Contributo in Atti di convegno | |
Toward anesthesia management via physiologically based PKPD models. In: Proceedings of ChemE-Med 2024 Pag.1-1 | |
ChemE-Med 2024 Chemical Engineering as Applied to Medicine Salerno 20 May 2024 | |
Piazza, Ornella; Cascella, Marco; Caccavo, Diego; Califano, Benito; Barba, Anna Angela; Lamberti, Gaetano | |
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2024 | |
Contributo in Atti di convegno | |
Nanoliposomal formulations in medicine: the coaxial-injection method as reliable and high throughput process. In: Proceedings of ChemE-Med 2024 Pag.1-1 | |
ChemE-Med 2024 Chemical Engineering as Applied to Medicine Salerno 20 May 2024 | |
Caccavo, Diego; De Piano, Raffaella; Lamberti, Gaetano; Barba, Anna Angela | |
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2023 | |
Articolo in rivista | |
Solution of the population balance equation for wet granulation using second kind Chebyshev polynomials CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN. Vol. 189. Pag.262-271 ISSN:0263-8762. | |
Terghini, Ibtissem; Hasseine, Abdelmalek; Caccavo, Diego; Bart, Hans Jörg | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.1016/j.cherd.2022.11.028 Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:000975603700001 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85143536010 | |
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2023 | |
Articolo in rivista | |
Impact of drug release in USP II and in-vitro stomach on pharmacokinetic: the case study of immediate-release carbamazepine tablets CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE. Vol. 267. Pag.1-12 ISSN:0009-2509. | |
Caccavo, Diego; Iannone, Marco; Angela BARBA, Anna; Lamberti, Gaetano | |
Versione online | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.1016/j.ces.2022.118371 Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:000895675400010 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85145821046 | |
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2023 | |
Articolo in rivista | |
Agarose Cryogels: Production Process Modeling and Structural Characterization GELS. Vol. 9. Pag.1-18 ISSN:2310-2861. | |
Mancino, Raffaele; Caccavo, Diego; Barba, Anna Angela; Lamberti, Gaetano; Biasin, Alice; Cortesi, Angelo; Grassi, Gabriele; Grassi, Mario; Abrami, Michela | |
Versione online | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.3390/gels9090765 Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:001145321700001 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85172281028 | |
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2023 | |
Articolo in rivista | |
Hydrogel: Ph Role on Polyelectrolyte Behaviour in Aqueous Media CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS. Vol. 100. Pag.397-402 ISSN:2283-9216. | |
DE PIANO, Raffaella; Caccavo, Diego; Barba, Anna Angela; Lamberti, Gaetano | |
Versione online | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.3303/CET23100067 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85165642265 | |
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2023 | |
Articolo in rivista | |
Coaxial Injection Mixer for the Continuous Production of Nanoparticles CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS. Vol. 100. Pag.301-306 ISSN:2283-9216. | |
Caccavo, Diego; Lamberti, Gaetano; Barba, Anna Angela | |
Versione online | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.3303/CET23100051 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85166073996 | |
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276728A New Productive Approach and Formulative Optimization for Curcumin Nanoliposomal Delivery Systems
2023 | |
Articolo in rivista | |
A New Productive Approach and Formulative Optimization for Curcumin Nanoliposomal Delivery Systems PHARMACEUTICS. Vol. 15. Pag.1-18 ISSN:1999-4923. | |
De Piano, Raffaella; Caccavo, Diego; Lamberti, Gaetano; Remaut, Katrien; Seynaeve, Hanne; Barba, Anna Angela | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.3390/pharmaceutics15030959 Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:000957526600001 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85151381874 | |
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2022 | |
Articolo in rivista | |
A low-cost push-pull syringe pump for continuous flow applications HARDWAREX. Vol. 11. Pag.1-16 ISSN:2468-0672. | |
Iannone, Marco; Caccavo, Diego; Barba, Anna Angela; Lamberti, Gaetano | |
Versione online | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.1016/j.ohx.2022.e00295 Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:000793472100007 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85126485889 | |
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2022 | |
Contributo in Atti di convegno | |
Anionic hydrogels: equilibrium behaviour modelling. In: CHISA 2022 - 26th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering Pag.1-2 | |
CHISA 2022 - 26th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering Prague 21-25 August 2022 | |
DE PIANO, Raffaella; Caccavo, Diego; Barba, Anna Angela; Lamberti, Gaetano | |
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2022 | |
Contributo in Atti di convegno | |
Simil-microfluidic ethanol injection mixer for the continuous production of liposomes: laminar vs turbulent regime. In: CHISA 2022 - 26th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering Pag.1-2 | |
CHISA 2022 - 26th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering Prague 21-25 August 2022 | |
Caccavo, Diego; Della Vecchia, Marica; Lamberti, Gaetano; Barba, Anna Angela | |
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2021 | |
Articolo in rivista | |
Gelation process of carboxymethyl chitosan-zinc supramolecular hydrogel studied with fluorescence imaging and mathematical modelling INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS. Vol. 605. Pag.120804-120813 ISSN:0378-5173. | |
Yu, Xu-Dong; Li, Jia-Hui; Li, Heng; Huang, Ju; Caccavo, Diego; Lamberti, Gaetano; Chu, Li-Qiang | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2021.120804 Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:000692281700005 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85109161641 | |
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2021 | |
Articolo in rivista | |
Dynamometric measurements of hydrogels' mechanical spectra JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE. Vol. 138. Pag.1-9 ISSN:0021-8995. | |
Caccavo, D.; Cavallo, R.; Abrami, M.; Grassi, M.; Barba, A. A.; Lamberti, G. | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.1002/app.50702 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85102351184 | |
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2021 | |
Brevetto | |
Caccavo, Diego; Lamberti, Gaetano; Iannone, Marco | |
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2020 | |
Articolo in rivista | |
Le proprietà farmacologiche del principio attivo CBD ICF – RIVISTA DELL’INDUSTRIA CHIMICA E FARMACEUTICA. Vol. Aprile/Maggio 2020. Pag.28-32 | |
Cuoco, Alessia; Caccavo, Diego; Lamberti, Gaetano; Barba, Anna Angela | |
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2020 | |
Articolo in rivista | |
Nanoliposomes in polymeric granules: Novel process strategy to produce stable and versatile delivery systems JOURNAL OF DRUG DELIVERY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. Pag.101878-101884 ISSN:1773-2247. | |
DE SIMONE, Veronica; Dalmoro, Annalisa; Bochicchio, Sabrina; Caccavo, Diego; Lamberti, Gaetano; Bertoncin, Paolo; Barba, Anna Angela | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.1016/j.jddst.2020.101878 Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:000572446700002 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85087652553 | |
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2020 | |
Articolo in rivista | |
Mechanics and drug release from poroviscoelastic hydrogels: Experiments and modeling EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS AND BIOPHARMACEUTICS. Vol. 152. Pag.299-306 ISSN:0939-6411. | |
Caccavo, D.; Lamberti, G.; Barba, A. A. | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.1016/j.ejpb.2020.05.020 Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:000540837600030 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85085553748 | |
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2020 | |
Articolo in rivista | |
Engineering approaches for drug delivery systems production and characterization INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS. Vol. 581. Pag.119267-119276 ISSN:0378-5173. | |
Barba, A A; Dalmoro, A; Bochicchio, S; De Simone, V; Caccavo, D; Iannone, M; Lamberti, G | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2020.119267 Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:000531566300002 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85082695409 | |
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2020 | |
Articolo in rivista | |
Drug release from hydrogel-based matrix systems partially coated: experiments and modeling JOURNAL OF DRUG DELIVERY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. Pag.102146-102151 ISSN:1773-2247. | |
De Piano, R.; Caccavo, D.; Cascone, S.; Festa, C.; Lamberti, G.; Barba, A. A. | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.1016/j.jddst.2020.102146 Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:000619158300004 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85092403044 | |
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2020 | |
Brevetto | |
Metodo e dispositivo per la determinazione del grado alcolico di soluzioni acquose mediante sensori per gas 102020000029444 Eng4Life Srl | |
Lamberti, Gaetano; Caccavo, Diego | |
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150348Effect of binder and load solubility properties on HPMC granules produced by wet granulation process
2019 | |
Articolo in rivista | |
Effect of binder and load solubility properties on HPMC granules produced by wet granulation process JOURNAL OF DRUG DELIVERY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. Vol. 49. Pag.513-520 ISSN:1773-2247. | |
DE SIMONE, Veronica; Dalmoro, Annalisa; Lamberti, Gaetano; Caccavo, Diego; D'Amore, Matteo; Barba, Anna Angela | |
Versione online | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.1016/j.jddst.2018.12.030 Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:000457344000056 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85059429973 | |
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2019 | |
Articolo in rivista | |
An overview on the mathematical modeling of hydrogels’ behavior for drug delivery systems INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS. Vol. 560. Pag.175-190 ISSN:0378-5173. | |
Caccavo, D. | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2019.01.076 Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:000461326800018 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85061726678 | |
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162117Low-shear wet granulation process: new strategies in design and manufacturing of granular materials
2019 | |
Contributo in Atti di convegno | |
Low-shear wet granulation process: new strategies in design and manufacturing of granular materials. In: European Conference on Pharmaceutics Pag.1-2 | |
European Conference on Pharmaceutics Bologna March 25-26, 2019 | |
DE SIMONE, Veronica; Caccavo, Diego; Lamberti, Gaetano; D'Amore, Matteo; Barba, Anna Angela; Dalmoro, Annalisa | |
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2019 | |
Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio) | |
Polymeric and lipid-based systems for controlled drug release: an engineering point of view. In Autori Vari Nanomaterials for Drug Delivery and Therapy Pag.267-304 Radarweg 29, PO Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, Netherlands ELSEVIER. ISBN:978-0-12-816505-8 | |
Barba, Anna Angela; Bochicchio, Sabrina; Dalmoro, Annalisa; Caccavo, Diego; Cascone, Sara; Lamberti, Gaetano | |
Versione online | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.1016/B978-0-12-816505-8.00013-8 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85081331049 | |
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2018 | |
Articolo in rivista | |
HPMC granules by wet granulation process: Effect of vitamin load on physicochemical, mechanical and release properties CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS. Vol. 181. Pag.939-947 ISSN:0144-8617. | |
De Simone, Veronica; Dalmoro, Annalisa; Lamberti, Gaetano; Caccavo, Diego; D'Amore, Matteo; Barba, Anna Angela | |
Versione online | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.1016/j.carbpol.2017.11.056 Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:000418661000110 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85034847148 | |
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2018 | |
Articolo in rivista | |
Wet-granulation process: phenomenological analysis and processparameters optimization POWDER TECHNOLOGY. Vol. 340. Pag.411-419 ISSN:0032-5910. | |
DE SIMONE, Veronica; Caccavo, Diego; Lamberti, Gaetano; D'Amore, Matteo; Barba, Anna Angela | |
Versione online | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.1016/j.powtec.2018.09.053 Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:000449242200040 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85053940277 | |
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2018 | |
Articolo in rivista | |
Hydrogels: Experimental characterization and mathematical modelling of their mechanical and diffusive behaviour CHEMICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS. Vol. 47. Pag.2357-2373 ISSN:0306-0012. | |
Caccavo, D.; Cascone, S.; Lamberti, G.; Barba, A. A. | |
Versione online | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.1039/c7cs00638a Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:000429095700007 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85044943118 | |
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2018 | |
Contributo in Atti di convegno | |
Phenomenological analysis, process parameters optimization and mathematical modeling of a low-shear wet granulation process. In: 23rd International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, CHISA 2018 and 21st Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, PRES 2018 Czech Society of Chemical Engineering Vol.1, Pag.390-391 | |
23rd International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, CHISA 2018 and 21st Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, PRES 2018 cze 2018 | |
de Simone, V.; Caccavo, D.; Lamberti, G.; D'Amore, M.; Barba, A. A. | |
Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85084807312 | |
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2018 | |
Contributo in Atti di convegno | |
Vitamins-loaded HPMC granules by wet granulation process: Impact of liquid binder/vitamin solubility on HPMC granules properties. In: 23rd International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, CHISA 2018 and 21st Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, PRES 2018 Czech Society of Chemical Engineering Vol.1, Pag.394-395 | |
23rd International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, CHISA 2018 and 21st Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, PRES 2018 cze 2018 | |
de Simone, V.; Dalmoro, A.; Caccavo, D.; Lamberti, G.; D'Amore, M.; Barba, A. A. | |
Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85084799787 | |
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2018 | |
Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio) | |
Modeling the mechanics and the transport phenomena in hydrogels. In Davide Manca Quantitative Systems Pharmacology. Models and Model-Based Systems with Applications Pag.357-383 SARA BURGERHARTSTRAAT 25, PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS Elsevier B.V.. ISSN:1570-7946. | |
Caccavo, Diego; Vietri, Antonella; Lamberti, Gaetano; Barba, Anna Angela; Larsson, Anette | |
Versione online | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.1016/B978-0-444-63964-6.00012-X Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:000461189700013 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85049992130 | |
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2018 | |
Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio) | |
Inside the Phenomenological Aspects of Wet Granulation: Role of Process Parameters. In AA VV Granularity in Materials Science Pag.63-84 London IntechOpen. ISBN:978-953-51-6821-8 | |
DE SIMONE, Veronica; Caccavo, Diego; Dalmoro, Annalisa; Lamberti, Gaetano; D'Amore, Matteo; Barba, Anna Angela | |
Versione online | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.5772/intechopen.79840 | |
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2017 | |
Articolo in rivista | |
Effects of HPMC substituent pattern on water up-take, polymer and drug release: An experimental and modelling study INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS. Vol. 528. Pag.705-713 ISSN:0378-5173. | |
Caccavo, Diego; Lamberti, Gaetano; Barba, Anna Angela; Abrahmsén-Alami, Susanna; Viridén, Anna; Larsson, Anette | |
Versione online | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2017.06.064 Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:000408007600064 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85021057288 | |
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2017 | |
Articolo in rivista | |
Determination of the release mechanism of Theophylline from pellets coated with Surelease®—A water dispersion of ethyl cellulose INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS. Vol. 528. Pag.345-353 ISSN:0378-5173. | |
Kazlauske, Jurgita; Cafaro, MARIA MARGHERITA; Caccavo, Diego; Marucci, Mariagrazia; Lamberti, Gaetano; Barba, Anna Angela; Larsson, Anette | |
Versione online | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2017.05.073 Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:000408007600031 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85020713525 | |
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2017 | |
Articolo in rivista | |
Mathematical modelling of the drug release from an ensemble of coated pellets BRITISH JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY. Vol. 174. Pag.1797-1809 ISSN:0007-1188. | |
Caccavo, Diego; Lamberti, Gaetano; Cafaro, Maria Margherita; Barba, Anna Angela; Kazlauske, Jurgita; Larsson, Anette | |
Versione online | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.1111/bph.13776 Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:000402143300018 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85018651089 | |
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2017 | |
Articolo in rivista | |
Modeling of the behavior of natural polysaccharides hydrogels for bio-pharma applications NATURAL PRODUCT COMMUNICATIONS. Vol. 12. Pag.867-871 ISSN:1934-578X. | |
Caccavo, Diego; Cascone, Sara; Lamberti, Gaetano; Dalmoro, Annalisa; Barba, Anna Angela | |
Versione online | |
Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:000404832100010 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85023162883 | |
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2017 | |
Articolo in rivista | |
Engineering approaches in siRNA delivery INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS. Vol. 525. Pag.343-358 ISSN:0378-5173. | |
Barba, Anna Angela; Cascone, Sara; Caccavo, Diego; Lamberti, Gaetano; Chiarappa, Gianluca; Abrami, Michela; Grassi, Gabriele; Grassi, Mario; Tomaiuolo, Giovanna; Guido, Stefano; Brucato, Valerio M. Bartolo; Carfì Pavia, Francesco; Ghersi, Giulio; La Carrubba, Vincenzo; Abbiati, Roberto Andrea; Manca, Davide | |
Versione online | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2017.02.032 Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:000403029200005 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85013142007 | |
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2017 | |
Articolo in rivista | |
HPMC-based granules for prolonged release of phytostrengtheners in agriculture CHEMICAL ENGINEERING COMMUNICATIONS. Vol. 204. Pag.1333-1340 ISSN:0098-6445. | |
Caccavo, D.; Cascone, S.; Apicella, P.; Lamberti, G.; Barba, A. A. | |
Versione online | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.1080/00986445.2017.1362398 Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:000417722900001 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85032025413 | |
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2017 | |
Articolo in rivista | |
Modeling the modified drug release from curved shape drug delivery systems â Dome Matrix® EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS AND BIOPHARMACEUTICS. Vol. 121. Pag.24-31 ISSN:0939-6411. | |
Caccavo, Diego; Barba, Anna Angela; D'Amore, Matteo; De Piano, R.; Lamberti, Gaetano; Rossi, A.; Colombo, P. | |
Versione online | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.1016/j.ejpb.2017.08.016 Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:000414621100004 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85029502618 | |
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2017 | |
Articolo in rivista | |
Drug Delivery From Hydrogels: A General Framework for the ReleaseModeling CURRENT DRUG DELIVERY. Vol. 14. Pag.179-189 ISSN:1567-2018. | |
Caccavo, Diego; Cascone, Sara; Lamberti, Gaetano; Barba, Anna Angela; Larsson, Anette | |
Versione online | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.2174/1567201813666160808102106 Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:000399784000003 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85013877575 | |
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2017 | |
Articolo in rivista | |
Chemical Engineering in the “BIO” World CURRENT DRUG DELIVERY. Vol. 14. Pag.158-178 ISSN:1567-2018. | |
Chiarappa, Gianluca; Grassi, Mario; Abrami, Michela; Abbiati, Roberto Andrea; Barba, Anna Angela; Boisen, Anja; Brucato, Valerio; Ghersi, Giulio; Caccavo, Diego; Cascone, Sara; Caserta, Sergio; Elvassore, Nicola; Giomo, Monica; Guido, Stefano; Lamberti, Gaetano; Larobina, Domenico; Manca, Davide; Marizza, Paolo; Tomaiuolo, Giovanna; Grassi, Gabriele | |
Versione online | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.2174/1567201813666160602230550 Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:000399784000002 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85013872866 | |
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2017 | |
Articolo in rivista | |
PoroViscoElastic model to describe hydrogels’ behavior MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING. C, BIOMIMETIC MATERIALS, SENSORS AND SYSTEMS. Vol. 76. Pag.102-113 ISSN:0928-4931. | |
Caccavo, Diego; Lamberti, Gaetano | |
Versione online | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.1016/j.msec.2017.02.155 Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:000405541600013 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85014758186 | |
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110142Mechanics and transport phenomena in agarose-based hydrogels studied by compression-relaxation tests
2017 | |
Articolo in rivista | |
Mechanics and transport phenomena in agarose-based hydrogels studied by compression-relaxation tests CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS. Vol. 167. Pag.136-144 ISSN:0144-8617. | |
Caccavo, Diego; Cascone, Sara; Poto, Serena; Lamberti, Gaetano; Barba, Anna Angela | |
Versione online | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.1016/j.carbpol.2017.03.027 Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:000401103700017 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85015726391 | |
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2016 | |
Articolo in rivista | |
Modeling capillary formation in calcium and copper alginate gels MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING. C, BIOMIMETIC MATERIALS, SENSORS AND SYSTEMS. Vol. 58. Pag.442-449 ISSN:0928-4931. | |
Caccavo, Diego; Ström, Anna; Larsson, Anette; Lamberti, Gaetano | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.1016/j.msec.2015.08.040 Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:000364247500052 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-84941309412 | |
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2016 | |
Contributo in Atti di convegno | |
Experimental and modeling description of hydrogel-based controlled release systems. In: 10th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology Pag.1-2 | |
10th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology Glasgow, United Kingdom 4 to 7 April 2016 | |
Caccavo, Diego; Cascone, Sara; Lamberti, Gaetano; Barba, Anna Angela | |
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2016 | |
Contributo in Atti di convegno | |
In vitro and in silico simulation of human GI behavior in pharmacokinetic studies. In: 10th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology Pag.1-2 | |
10th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology Glasgow, United Kingdom 4 to 7 April 2016 | |
Cascone, Sara; Caccavo, Diego; Lamberti, Gaetano; Barba, Anna Angela | |
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2016 | |
Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio) | |
An Engineering Point of View on the Use of theHydrogels for Pharmaceutical and BiomedicalApplications. In S. B. Majee Emerging Concepts in Analysis and Applications of Hydrogels Pag.201-230 Rijeka Sutapa Biswas Majee. | |
Lamberti, Gaetano; Barba, Anna Angela; Cascone, Sara; Dalmoro, Annalisa; Caccavo, Diego | |
Versione online | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.5772/64299 | |
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2016 | |
Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio) | |
Swellable Hydrogel-based Systems for Controlled Drug Delivery. In A. D. Sezer Smart Drug Delivery System Pag.237-303 Rijeka Ali Demir Sezer. | |
Lamberti, Gaetano; Caccavo, Diego; Cascone, Sara; Barba, Anna Angela; Larsson, Anette | |
Versione online | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.5772/61792 | |
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2015 | |
Abstract in Atti di convegno | |
Hydrogel-based drug delivery systems (HB-DDSs): a combined experimental-modeling approach. In: Astrazeneca Internal Journal Pag.1-2 | |
Abrahmsén Alami, Susanna; Caccavo, Diego; Lamberti, Gaetano; Barba, Anna Angela; Viridén, Anna; Larsson, Anette | |
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2015 | |
Articolo in rivista | |
Controlled drug release from hydrogel-based matrices: Experiments and modeling INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS. Vol. 486. Pag.144-152 ISSN:0378-5173. | |
Caccavo, Diego; Cascone, Sara; Lamberti, Gaetano; Barba, Anna Angela | |
Versione online | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2015.03.054 Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:000353999100016 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-84926229429 | |
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81749Hydrogel-Based Granular Phytostrengtheners for Prolonged Release: Production and Characterization
2015 | |
Articolo in rivista | |
Hydrogel-Based Granular Phytostrengtheners for Prolonged Release: Production and Characterization CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS. Vol. 44. Pag.235-240 ISSN:2283-9216. | |
Caccavo, Diego; Cascone, Sara; Amoroso, Maria Chiara; Apicella, Pietro; Lamberti, Gaetano; Barba, Anna Angela | |
Versione online | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.3303/CET1544040 Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:000365994700040 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-84946100515 | |
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2015 | |
Articolo in rivista | |
Optimization of Chelates Production Process for Agricultural Administration of Inorganic Micronutrients CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS. Vol. 44. Pag.217-222 ISSN:2283-9216. | |
Cascone, Sara; Apicella, Pietro; Caccavo, Diego; Lamberti, Gaetano; Barba, Anna Angela | |
Versione online | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.3303/CET1544037 Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:000365994700037 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-84946041603 | |
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2015 | |
Articolo in rivista | |
Modeling the drug release from hydrogel-based matrices MOLECULAR PHARMACEUTICS. Vol. 12. Pag.474-483 ISSN:1543-8384. | |
Caccavo, Diego; Cascone, Sara; Lamberti, Gaetano; Barba, Anna Angela | |
Versione online | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.1021/mp500563n Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:000348886900019 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-84961053551 | |
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2015 | |
Articolo in rivista | |
Understanding the adhesion phenomena in carbohydrate-hydrogel-based systems: Water up-take, swelling and elastic detachment CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS. Vol. 131. Pag.41-49 ISSN:0144-8617. | |
Caccavo, Diego; Lamberti, Gaetano; Cascone, Sara; Barba, Anna Angela; Larsson, Anette | |
Versione online | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.1016/j.carbpol.2015.05.041 Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:000361183600006 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-84931274797 | |
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2015 | |
Contributo in Atti di convegno | |
Hydrogels-based matrices behavior: experimental and modeling description. In: Proceedings of 42nd CRS annual Meeting Pag.3-4 | |
42nd CRS annual Meeting Edinburgh, Scotland July 26-29, 2015 | |
Caccavo, Diego; Cascone, Sara; Bochicchio, Sabrina; Lamberti, Gaetano; Barba, Anna Angela | |
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2015 | |
Contributo in Atti di convegno | |
Hydrogels-based systems for controlled release in agricultural applications. In: Proceedings of 42nd CRS annual Meeting Pag.1-2 | |
42nd CRS annual Meeting Edinburgh, Scotland July 26-29, 2015 | |
Caccavo, Diego; Apicella, Pietro; Cascone, Sara; Dalmoro, Annalisa; Lamberti, Gaetano; Barba, Anna Angela | |
Visualizza sul Database dei Prodotti (IRIS) |
2015 | |
Contributo in Atti di convegno | |
Hydrogel-Based Crss Analyses: Testing And Modeling. In: 1st International Congress οf Controlled Release Society - Greek Local Chapter 1st International Congress οf Controlled Release Society Pag.1-1 | |
1st International Congress οf Controlled Release Society Athens (Greece) 27-28 May 2015 | |
Caccavo, Diego; Cascone, Sara; Lamberti, Gaetano; Barba, Anna Angela | |
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2014 | |
Contributo in Atti di convegno | |
In-vitro models of the gastro-intestinal tract for pharmaceutical and nutritional purposes. In: Proceedings of CHISA 2014/PRES 2014 CHISA 2014 Pag.2-2 ISBN:9788002025559 | |
CHISA 2014 Prague, Czech Republic 23-27 August 2014 | |
Cascone, Sara; Caccavo, Diego; Lamberti, Gaetano; Titomanlio, Giuseppe; Barba, Anna Angela | |
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2014 | |
Contributo in Atti di convegno | |
13th European Symposium on Controlled Drug Delivery Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands April 16 – 18, 2014 | |
Cascone, Sara; Caccavo, Diego; Lamberti, Gaetano; Titomanlio, Giuseppe; D'Amore, Matteo; Barba, Anna Angela | |
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2014 | |
Contributo in Atti di convegno | |
Testing and modelling of hydrogels behavior for pharmaceutical and biomedical applications. In: Proceedings of CHISA 2014 CHISA 2014 Pag.1-1 ISBN:9788002025559 | |
CHISA 2014 Prague, Czech Republic 23-27 August 2014 | |
Caccavo, Diego; Cascone, Sara; Lamberti, Gaetano; Barba, Anna Angela | |
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2013 | |
Contributo in Atti di convegno | |
Microstructural, mechanical and mass transport properties of alginate capillary gels. In: International Symposium on the Properties of Water Pag.1-1 | |
International Symposium on the Properties of Water Fiskebäckskil, Sweden August 20-23, 2013 | |
Schuster, E.; Caccavo, Diego; Eckardt, J.; Altskär, A.; Hermansson, A.; Larsson, A.; Ström, A. | |
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2013 | |
Contributo in Atti di convegno | |
Spontaneous formation of parallel aligned macropores within polysaccharide gels. In: Materials for Tomorrow Pag.1-1 | |
Materials for Tomorrow Göteborg, Sweden October 2, 2013 | |
Schuster, E.; Caccavo, Diego; Eckardt, J.; Altskär, A.; Hermansson, A.; Larsson, A.; Ström, A. | |
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2011 | |
Articolo in rivista | |
Criteri per progettare e gestire il processo di granulazione ICP. Vol. 4. Pag.74-78 ISSN:0390-2358. | |
Caccavo, Diego; Cascone, Sara; Lamberti, Gaetano | |
Versione online | |
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