
Veronica DI SARNO Curriculum


June 2023: Scientific National Abilitation

9/2021- 3/2022: Visiting Researcher University of Graz, Institute of chemistry. Projects: “indole sulfonylation and Shono oxidation.”

2013-2016: PhD in Pharmaceutical Science, XIV Cicle. Department of Pharmacy, University of Salerno, Fisciano (SA). Project title: “Design and synthesis of modulators of apoptotic activity” (Tutor: prof. Pietro Campiglia)

March 2012: Practice ability to profession of Pharmacy at the University of Naples “Federico II”

2011: Master Degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology, University of Naples “Federico II”. Project title: “Sintesi di derivati chinonici progettati come antagonisti della Survivina” (Tutor: prof. Paolo Grieco)


Since December 2024: Associate Professor at the Department of Pharmacy, University of Salerno

From December 2021 to November 2024: Researcher at the Department of Pharmacy, University of Salerno

2019-2021: Research fellow at Department of Pharmacy, University of Salerno, Fisciano (SA). Project title: “Progettazione e sintesi di nuovi derivati indolici come modulatori del recettore TRPM8” (Tutor: prof. Pietro Campiglia)

2018-2019: Research fellow at Department of Pharmacy, University of Salerno, Fisciano (SA). Project title: “Design e sintesi di small molecules come modulatori dei canali TRPM8” (Tutor: prof. Pietro Campiglia)

2017-2018: Schoolarship at Department of Pharmacy, University of Salerno, Fisciano (SA).Project title: “Studio di matrici vegetali per la realizzazione di alimenti funzionali dell’età pediatrica.” progetto denominato “Borse di ricerca volte al sostegno di ricercatori per la promozioni di processi di Open Innovation negli ambiti tecnologici prioritari della RIS 3” ( Tutor: prof. Marina Sala)

2015-2016: Schoolarship at Department of Pharmacy, University of Salerno, Fisciano (SA). Project title: “Sintesi e caratterizzazione di molecole biologicamente attive”, nell’ambito del Progetto “Research infrastructure for and Foods and Nutriceutics - Food@Life PONa3_00331” (Tutor: prof. Pietro Campiglia)

2013-2014: Research fellow at Department of Pharmacy, University of Salerno, Fisciano (SA). Project title: “Sintesi di nuove molecole bioattive a partire dai prodotti di scarto della filiera del latte, dell’olio e degli agrumi” ( Tutor: prof. Pietro Campiglia)


The main fields of scientific interest concern the synthesis of small molecules as anticancer agents, as ion channel modulators and as antibacterial or antiviral agents. Expert in Organic Synthesis, Identification of Bioactive compounds. Expert in the design, synthesis, characterization and biological evaluation of small molecules, peptidomimetics and peptoids, and in the chemical characterization and biological evaluation of molecules present in food and vegetable matrices, as well as on the study and optimization of new reaction protocols applicable to organic synthesis. Liquid-Liquid Extraction, thin Layer Chromatography (TLC, PLC), normal Phase Liquid Chromatography flash Chromatography, use of Microwave Equipment,analysis and application of NMR H1 and C13 spectra. So far, she published 42 articles and was relator at various international conferences.


Fondi Nazionali MIUR - PRIN -Progetti di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale - PRIN2022: ‘Kv7 and TRPM channels modulators for the treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis’. Prot. 2022YY5SNA


Co-founder of the spin-off consortium “Sonda srl”starting from 29/09/2022. The spin-off deals with the development of omics analysis methods for pharmaceutical and medical applications and the development of new therapeutic agents.
Registered Office Address: Via S. Leonardo 26 84131 SALERNO (SA), PEC (Certified Email):, VAT Number: 06129640659,