ADA AMENDOLA | Curriculum
Ada Amendola is an Associate Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering (DICIV) of the University of Salerno (UNISA) for the scientific-disciplinary sector (SSD) MAT/07: Mathematical Physics. She has previously been a tenure-track (RTDB) researcher at DICIV for the SSD ICAR/08: Mechanics of Solids and Structures. Dr. Amendola graduated with honors within a MSc degree in Engineering for the Environment and the Territory at the University of Salerno in March 2013, and obtained a PhD in Structural Engineering and Building and Urban Restoration from the same University in February 2017.
She currently serves as local PI at DICIV of the PRIN 2022 grant "THE MATHEMATICS AND MECHANICS OF NONLINEAR WAVE PROPAGATION IN SOLIDS" granted by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MUR); national PI of the PRIN-PNRR 2022 grant "SUSTAINABLE COMPOSITE STRUCTURES FOR ENERGY-HARVESTING AND CARBON-STORING BUILDINGS" (SUSTBUILD); and national PI of the grant "NEXT-GENERATION GREEN STRUCTURES FOR NATURAL DISASTER-PROOF BUILDING" (NEXTBUILDING) granted by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI). Previously, she has served as PI within the Young Investigator Grant GNFM 2019 sponsored by Italian Group of Physical Mathematics (GNFM).
Her research activities mainly deals with the design and the mathematical and mechanical modeling of innovative materials and structures. Ada Amendola has been "visiting research scholar" at different universities in the United States and Europe, which include: California Institute of Technology (Dec. 2008 - Feb. 2009), University of California San Diego (Aug. - Oct. 2015), and University of Colorado Boulder (Feb. 2022). She has received the AIMETA Junior 2017 award from the Italian Association of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, and the "Young Investigator Award", by the 9th International Conference on Computational Methods (Rome, August 2018).
In 2017, Dr. Amendola received the AIMETA Junior 2017 award for the Mechanics of Solids and Structures category, in recognition of her research activity in the field of mechanical modeling of tensegrity structures. She was also the winner of the "International Computational Method Young Investigator Award", awarded as part of the ICCM2018 - "9th International Conference on Computational Methods" (Rome, August 2018), and of two "Best Student Paper" awards, awarded in the within the scope of the MECHCOMP3 International Scientific Conferences - "3rd International Conference on Mechanics of Composites" (Bologna, July 2017) and MIMS16 - "2nd International Workshop on Multiscale Innovative Materials and Structures" (Cetara, May 2016). In 2008 she was also the winner of an "Undergraduate Fellowship" from the California Institute of Technology (Pasadena, USA).