Ernesto DE NITO | Curriculum
Ernesto DE NITO Curriculum
Ernesto De Nito is an Associate Professor of Organization Studies at University of Salerno, Italy, where he currently teaches organizational theory and human resource management. In December 2017 he qualified as full professor (Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale – ASN). He holds a Doctorate from University of Naples Federico II. His research interests are broadly related to the study of knowledge and human resources in project oriented organizational forms.
He received the best paper award (jointly with P. Canonico, V.Esposito and M.Pezzillo Iacono) at IFKAD (International Forum on Knowledge Assets Dynamics) 2017 conference (held in St.Petersburg, Russia). In 2014 he started a research affiliation with Lirmac (Research Centre on criminal organizations), run by University Federico II of Naples. Since 2000 he serves as researcher and group leader at Cesit (a research consortium on railway industry created by Alstom, Ansaldobreda, Bombardier). He was member of the scientific committee of the 32nd edition of the EGOS Colloquium to be held in Napoli, Italy in July 2016. He organized the stream on projects at the CMS (Critical Management Studies) 2011 conference. He has acted as organizational coordinator for numerous tracks of the EURAM (European Academy of Management) and Ifkad (International Forum on Knowledge Asset dynamics) Conferences. He is a member of the scientific committee of IFKAD. In 2013 he served as guest editor of a special issue of the International Journal of Managing Projects in Business (Emerald) devoted to “Knowledge creation in projects”. He is an editorial board member of International Journal of Comparative Management. He served as reviewer for many journals, as Project Management Journal, Journal of Management and Governance, International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, Journal of Intellectual Capital, Measuring Business Excellence, Technovation, Knowledge management research and practice. His main reserach interests are knowledge management, project management, public management, criminal organizations and legal firms.