Raffaele Longo | Curriculum
Raffaele Longo Curriculum
Raffaele Longo was born in Battipaglia (SA) on November 13, 1996.
He obtained his master's degree in Chemical Engineering with honours from the University of Salerno in 2019. In 2023 he received the PhD in Industrial Engineering with honours from the University of Salerno, discussing a thesis entitled "Design of monoaxial and coaxial electrospun membranes for biomedical applications".
From December 2022 to April 2024, he was a research fellow at the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Salerno.
Since May 2024 he has been a Researcher (RTD/A) of the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Salerno.
He is a member of the Chemistry examination boards for the degree course in Chemical Engineering (from 2020 to today), for the degree course in Mechanical Engineering and Management Engineering (from 2021 to today) and for the degree course in Computer Engineering for Digital Medicine (from 2024 to today), taught at the University of Salerno.
Since the academic year 2024/2025, he has been a professor of Chemistry for the degree course in "Information engineering for digital medicine" and a professor of Chemistry and Materials Technology for the degree course in "Techniques for building construction and land development".
The research topics followed by Dr. Longo are essentially linked to the development of highly innovative functional polymeric materials:
- Development of thermosetting and thermoplastic polymeric materials with smart functionalities (e.g. self-healing, self-heating materials, self-sensing, etc.). In recent years he has focused a lot on the development of sustainable processes with high energy savings for obtaining structural materials usable in the transport sector.
- Development of nanofibrous polymeric materials applicable to the biomedical field, producing polymeric membranes through innovative processes (e.g. electrospinning) designed in such a way as to have a morphology similar to human tissue and to be able to guarantee a controlled release of active ingredients in the body.
Dr. Longo's research activity was also conducted by participating in research projects (including industrial ones), including 3 European projects.
His research activity is attested by the publication of 25 scientific papers in international journals (source: Scopus) and by the filing of a patent.
Since August 2024 he is Guest Editor Assistant of a Special Issue for the journal Nanomaterials entitled "Functional and Structural Properties of Polymeric Nanocomposites".
He is member of the association “EASN - European Aeronautics Science Network” and member of Italian Chemical Society, division “Chemistry for technologies”.
He is a reviewer for several scientific journals of international importance for the development of innovative materials. Among these:
o Chemical Engineering Journal;
o Composites Science and Technology;
o Scientific Reports;
o Sensors and Actuators A:Physical;
o Materials Chemistry and Physics;
o Heliyon;
o Material Letters.
o Materials Today Communications
During the POLY-CHAR [Halle | Siegen] 2022 Conference, he won the IUPAC award for “Best Student Poster”.
During the National Workshop X Workshop AICIng, Perugia 13-14 June 2024, he won the AICING award for the best oral presentation delivered by a young researcher.