
Daniele ESPOSITO Curriculum

Daniele ESPOSITO holds a master’s degree (cum laude) in Biomedical Engineering and a Ph.D. (Doctor Europaeus) in “Information Technology and Electrical Engineering” from the University of Naples “Federico II”. In 2021, he had research collaborations with Western Sydney University (Penrith NSW, Australia) and Flinders University (Adelaide, Australia). In 2022 he was a postdoctoral research fellow at the National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN) in Naples. Subsequently, he was a Researcher of Bioengineering at the University of Naples “Federico II”. Since May 2024 he has been Associate Professor of Bioengineering at the University of Salerno.

He has acted as reviewer for several international journals. He has participated in various national and international congresses, including as chairman and organiser. He is co-inventor of an international patent focusing on new biomedical devices to measure the mechanical activity generated by the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Since 2017, he has been doing research in Bioengineering and has collaborations with national and international research groups. His main research interests are: development and testing of non-invasive sensors for monitoring physiological parameters; design and realization of Human-Machine Interfaces for neuromotor assistance and rehabilitation; biosignal and bioimage processing and analysis.

During his academic career, he has authored several articles published in international journals and conference proceedings.