Beatrice PATERNOSTER | Pubblicazioni
Beatrice PATERNOSTER Pubblicazioni
2022 | |
Abstract in Atti di convegno | |
Adapted numerical methods for stiff differential problems. In: 11th Meeting: Structural Dynamical Systems: Computational Aspects SDS2022 Nicoletta Del Buono Pag.22-22 | |
11th Meeting: Structural Dynamical Systems: Computational Aspects SDS2022 Rosa Marina 7-10 Giugno, 2022 | |
Conte, Dajana; Pagano, Giovanni; Paternoster, Beatrice | |
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216179Local error estimation of selected one-step numerical methods for Stochastic Differential Equations
2022 | |
Abstract in Atti di convegno | |
Local error estimation of selected one-step numerical methods for Stochastic Differential Equations. In: Workshop SA2022 – Software for Approximation Torino Pag.16-16 | |
Workshop SA2022 – Software for Approximation Torino 3-4 Febbraio 2022 | |
Conte, Dajana; D'Ambrosio, Raffaele; Giordano, Giuseppe; Paternoster, Beatrice | |
Versione online | |
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2022 | |
Abstract in Atti di convegno | |
An extension of nonstandard finite differences with application to a vegetation model. In: Functional Analysis, Approximation Theory and Numerical Analysis Pag.119-119 | |
Functional Analysis, Approximation Theory and Numerical Analysis Matera 5-8 Luglio, 2022 | |
Conte, Dajana; Pagano, Giovanni; Paternoster, Beatrice | |
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2022 | |
Abstract in Atti di convegno | |
Implementation issues of collocation methods for fractional differential equations. In: V-ASET2022 6th Edition of Applied Science, Engineering and Technology Virtual Pag.24-24 | |
online 22-23 aprile 2022 | |
Cardone, Angelamaria; Conte, Dajana; Paternoster, Beatrice | |
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2022 | |
Abstract in Atti di convegno | |
Collocation methods for nonlinear Volterra integral equations with oscillatory kernel. In: Workshop SA2022 -Software for Approximation PROGRAM & ABSTRACTS Scientific Pag.18-18 | |
Workshop SA2022 – Software for Approximation Università degli Studi di Torino 3-4 February 2022 | |
Conte, Dajana; Moradi, Leila; Paternoster, Beatrice | |
Versione online | |
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2022 | |
Abstract in Atti di convegno | |
Local error estimation of one-step methods for Stochastic Differential Equations. In: 11th Meeting: Structural Dynamical Systems: Computational Aspects SDS2022 Pag.19-19 | |
Structural Dynamical Systems: Computational Aspects Rosa Marina, Brindisi, Italy 7-10 Giugno 2022 | |
Conte, Dajana; D'Ambrosio, Raffaele; Giordano, Giuseppe; Paternoster, Beatrice | |
Versione online | |
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2022 | |
Abstract in Atti di convegno | |
Numerical solution of delay Volterra functional integral equations with variable bounds. In: Functional Analysis, Approximation Theory and Numerical Analysis FAATNA2022 Pag.239-239 | |
Functional Analysis, Approximation Theory and Numerical Analysis Matera, ITALIA 5-8 JULY 2022 | |
Conte, Dajana; Farsimadan, Eslam; Moradi, Leila; Palmieri, Francesco; Paternoster, Beatrice | |
Versione online | |
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2022 | |
Abstract in Atti di convegno | |
On the numerical preservation of qualitative properties of differential equations. In: The International Online Conference “Current Trends in Abstract and Applied Analysis” Pag.21-21 | |
The International Online Conference “Current Trends in Abstract and Applied Analysis” Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine 12-15 Maggio, 2022 | |
Conte, Dajana; Pagano, Giovanni; Paternoster, Beatrice | |
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2022 | |
Abstract in Atti di convegno | |
Perturbative analysis of numerical discretization to stochastic Hamiltonian problems. In: Functional Analysis, Approximation Theory and Numerical Analysis Pag.110-110 | |
Functional Analysis, Approximation Theory and Numerical Analysis FAATNA20>22 Matera, Italy 5-8 Luglio 2022 | |
D'Ambrosio, Raffaele; Giordano, Giuseppe; Paternoster, Beatrice | |
Versione online | |
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2022 | |
Abstract in Atti di convegno | |
A Galerkin approach for fractional delay differential equations using hybridChelyshkov basis functions. In: The 22nd International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications ICCSA2022 Springer Vol.13375, Pag.130-142 ISBN:9783031105210 | |
The 22nd International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications MALAGA, SPAIN 4-7 JULY 2022 | |
Conte, Dajana; Farsimadan, Eslam; Moradi, Leila; Palmieri, Francesco; Paternoster, Beatrice | |
Versione online | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.1007/978-3-031-10522-7_10 Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:000916469700010 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85135041635 | |
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2022 | |
Abstract in Atti di convegno | |
Numerical methods with equation-dependent coefficients for stiff differential problems. In: Workshop SA2022 – Software for Approximation Torino Pag.20-20 | |
Workshop SA2022 – Software for Approximation Torino 3 - 4 Febbraio 2022 | |
Conte, Dajana; Pagano, Giovanni; Paternoster, Beatrice | |
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2022 | |
Articolo in rivista | |
Positivity-preserving and elementary stable nonstandard method for a COVID-19 SIR model DOLOMITES RESEARCH NOTES ON APPROXIMATION. Vol. 15. Pag.65-77 ISSN:2035-6803. | |
Conte, D.; Guarino, N.; Pagano, G.; Paternoster, B. | |
Versione online | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.14658/pupj-drna-2022-5-7 Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:000979620400008 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85144516895 | |
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2022 | |
Articolo in rivista | |
Multivalue Collocation Methods for Ordinary and Fractional Differential Equations MATHEMATICS. Vol. 10(2). Pag.1-17 ISSN:2227-7390. | |
Cardone, Angelamaria; Conte, Dajana; D’Ambrosio, Raffaele; Paternoster, Beatrice | |
Versione online | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.3390/math10020185 Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:000747451300001 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85122249347 | |
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2022 | |
Articolo in rivista | |
Two-step peer methods with equation-dependent coefficients COMPUTATIONAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS. Vol. 41. Pag.1-21 ISSN:0101-8205. | |
Conte, Dajana; Pagano, Giovanni; Paternoster, Beatrice | |
Versione online | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.1007/s40314-022-01844-z Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:000782771100003 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85128349663 | |
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2022 | |
Articolo in rivista | |
Stability of two-step spline collocation methods for initial value problems for fractional differential equations COMMUNICATIONS IN NONLINEAR SCIENCE & NUMERICAL SIMULATION. Vol. 115. Pag.1-17 ISSN:1007-5704. | |
Cardone, A.; Conte, D.; Paternoster, B. | |
Versione online | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.1016/j.cnsns.2022.106726 Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:000909637500008 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85135566440 | |
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251718Two classes of linearly implicit numerical methods for stiff problems: analysis and MATLAB software
2022 | |
Articolo in rivista | |
Two classes of linearly implicit numerical methods for stiff problems: analysis and MATLAB software DOLOMITES RESEARCH NOTES ON APPROXIMATION. Vol. 15. Pag.66-80 ISSN:2035-6803. | |
Conte, Dajana; Pagano, Giovanni; Paternoster, Beatrice | |
Versione online | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.14658/pupj-drna-2022-2-6 Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:000979615400007 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85139853564 | |
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2022 | |
Articolo in rivista | |
Multivalue second derivative collocation methods APPLIED NUMERICAL MATHEMATICS. Vol. 182. Pag.344-355 ISSN:0168-9274. | |
Abdi, A.; Conte, D.; D'Ambrosio, R.; Paternoster, B. | |
Versione online | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.1016/j.apnum.2022.08.011 Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:000859334200005 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85138442857 | |
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2022 | |
Articolo in rivista | |
Recommender systems: a novel approach based on singular value decomposition INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING. Vol. 12. Pag.6513-6521 ISSN:2088-8708. | |
Colace, F.; Conte, D.; De Santo, M.; Lombardi, M.; Paternoster, B.; Santaniello, D.; Valentino, C. | |
Versione online | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.11591/ijece.v12i6.pp6513-6521 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85139080742 | |
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2022 | |
Articolo in rivista | |
On the Advantages of Nonstandard Finite Difference Discretizations for Differential Problems SIBIRSKII ZHURNAL VYCHISLITEL'NOI MATEMATIKI. Vol. 15. Pag.219-235 ISSN:1560-7526. | |
Conte, D.; Guarino, N.; Pagano, G.; Paternoster, B. | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.1134/S1995423922030041 Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:000845003500004 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85137120426 | |
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2022 | |
Contributo in Atti di convegno | |
First Experiences on Parallelizing Peer Methods for Numerical Solution of a Vegetation Model. In: 22nd International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications Elisa Bertino, Wen Gao, Bernhard Steffen, Moti Yung Vol.13376, Pag.384-394 ISBN:9783031104497 | |
22nd International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications Malaga 4-7 Luglio, 2022 | |
Conte, D.; De Luca, P.; Galletti, A.; Giunta, G.; Marcellino, L.; Pagano, G.; Paternoster, B. | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.1007/978-3-031-10450-3_33 Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:000916455600032 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85135048640 | |
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2022 | |
Contributo in Atti di convegno | |
Influence of age group in the spreading of fake news: contact matrices in social media. In: 16th International Conference on Signal Image Technology & and Internet Based Systems (SITIS) IEEE Pag.515-521 | |
16th International Conference on Signal Image Technology & and Internet Based Systems (SITIS) Dijon (France) October 19–21, 2022 | |
Cardone, Angelamaria; Diaz de Alba, Patricia; Paternoster, Beatrice | |
Versione online | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.1109/SITIS57111.2022.00083 Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:000986652500075 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85154040351 | |
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2022 | |
Contributo in Atti di convegno | |
High order collocation methods for fractional differential equations. In: NUMERICAL SOLUTION OF FRACTIONAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS AND APPLICATIONS S. HARIZANOV, R. LAZAROV, I. LIRKOV, S. MARGENOV Pag.10-10 ISBN:978-619-7320-10-7 | |
Second International Workshop Numerical Solution of Fractional Differential Equations and Applications Sozopol, Bulgaria 5-10 giugno 2022 | |
Cardone, A.; Conte, D.; Paternoster, B. | |
Versione online | |
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2022 | |
Contributo in Atti di convegno | |
Stiffness Ratio and the Diffusion of Fake News. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS (ICNAAM 2020) AIP Conference Proceedings Vol.2425, Pag.1-4 | |
International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2020, ICNAAM 2020 Rhodes 17 - 23 September 2020 | |
D’Ambrosio, Raffaele; Mottola, Serena; Paternoster, Beatrice | |
Versione online | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.1063/5.0081523 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85128580060 | |
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2022 | |
Contributo in Atti di convegno | |
Semi-implicit multivalue almost collocation methods. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS (ICNAAM 2020) T.E. Simos Vol.2425, 090005, Pag.1-4 | |
Conte, Dajana; D'Ambrosio, Raffaele; D'Arienzo, Maria Pia; Paternoster, Beatrice | |
Versione online | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.1063/5.0081531 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85128555015 | |
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2022 | |
Contributo in Atti di convegno | |
Numerical Conservation Issues for Stochastic Hamiltonian Problems. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS ICNAAM 2020 Simos,Theodore; Tsitouras, Charalambos Vol.2425, Pag.1-4 ISBN:978-0-7354-4182-8 | |
International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2020, ICNAAM 2020 Rhodes, Greece 17-23 Settembre 2020 | |
D'Ambrosio, Raffaele; Giordano, Giuseppe; Paternoster, Beatrice | |
Versione online | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.1063/5.0081459 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85128539085 | |
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2022 | |
Contributo in Atti di convegno | |
Adapted peer methods for oscillatory problems. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS (ICNAAM 2020) T.E. Simos Vol.2425, 090003, Pag.1-4 | |
Conte, Dajana; Moradi, Leila; Paternoster, Beatrice | |
Versione online | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.1063/5.0081508 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85128526992 | |
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2022 | |
Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio) | |
A modified SEIR model: stiffness analysis and application to the diffusion of fake news. In Gervasi, O., Murgante, B., Hendrix, E.M.T., Taniar, D., Apduhan, B.O. Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2022 Pag.90-103 ISSN:0302-9743. | |
D'Ambrosio, Raffaele; DIAZ DE ALBA, Patricia; Giordano, Giuseppe; Paternoster, Beatrice | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.1007/978-3-031-10522-7_7 Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:000916469700007 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85135084930 | |
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