

Paola Aiello is Associate Professor in Special Didactics and Pedagogy and is Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Research Methodology at the Department of Humanities, Philosophy and Education, University of Salerno. Since 2009 she has been lecturing in undergraduate and postgraduate courses as well as in a number of continuous professional development courses, offered by the this Department. Currently, she is the Director of the Post-graduate course entitled “Didactics and psycho-pedagogy for students with autism spectrum disorders”. Since 2013 she has held the position of Delegate for disability. Since the same year she has also been the Erasmus Delegate for the Teaching Area “Education for Inclusion and Wellbeing” and since 2015 she has also been President of the Internationalisation Commission.

During the academic year 2009-2010 she was Visiting Professor at Savaria University in West Hungary.

Currently, she is the Principal investigator of the Scientific Project (ex 60%): “Inclusion and teaching: teacher education based on simplex didactics”. She is also involved in other research projects related to the development of technology to promote inclusion, simplexity in didactics and didactics for students with autism spectrum disorders. She has presented her research widely at different national and international conferences and her works have been published in both high-profile Italian and foreign journals.

Her research interests revolve around the themes of inclusion, teacher education and the implicit variables that influence teacher agency to implement inclusive practices in formal and informal educational contexts.

Her most recent publications include:

Aiello, P. (2016). “Ronald Gulliford. Special Educational Needs. Genesi di un concetto”, in P. Crispiani (a cura di). Storia della Pedagogia Speciale. Pisa: Edizioni ETS.

Aiello, P., Sharma, U., Sibilio, M. (2016) “La centralità delle percezioni del docente nell’agire didattico inclusivo: perché una formazione docente in chiave semplessa?”. In Italian Journal of Educational Research, IX, n.16, pp. 17- 27.


Sibilio, M. & Aiello, P. (Eds.) (2015). Formazione e ricerca per una didattica inclusiva. Milano: FrancoAngeli, ISBN: 978-88-917-2829-6.