
Stefano DI TORE Publications

Abstract in Atti di convegno
A proposal of an "authentic" assessment in the teaching of motor activities for educational purposes in Italian Schools.
In: Book of abstract ICE 2012 Conference Research and Training Institute of East Aegean Vol.1, Pag.70-70
ICE 2012
Samos (Grecia) 5-7 luglio 2012
Aiello, Paola; D'Elia, Francesca; DI TORE, Stefano; Sibilio, Maurizio
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Abstract in Atti di convegno
Motion Analysis in Didactic Exergames Design.
In: Book of AbstractsVol.1, Pag.204-204
17th Annual Congress of the ECSS
Bruges (Belgio) 4-7 luglio 2012
DI TORE, Stefano; D'Elia, Francesca; Raiola, Gaetano; Palumbo, Carmen; Sibilio, Maurizio
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Abstract in Atti di convegno
“Microsoft Kinect as Motion Analysis Device for Didactic Purposes: Processing Kinect Motion Data according to Motion Analysis Protocols to Obtain High-Accuracy Parameters when Developing Exergames”.
In: Book of Abstracts ECSS Vol.1, Pag.203-203
17th Annual Congress of the ECSS
Bruges (Belgio) 4-7 luglio 2012
DI TORE, Stefano; Aiello, Paola; Corona, Felice; Baldassarre, Giuseppe; GOMEZ PALOMA, Filippo; Sibilio, Maurizio
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