Rosa VEGLIANTE | Publications
Rosa VEGLIANTE Publications
2023 | |
Contributo in Atti di convegno | |
MATHEMATICAL LEARNING BEFORE AND AFTER COVID-19: PRACTICES AND CONSEQUENCES. In: INTED 2023, 17th International Technology, Education and Development Conference Valencia INTED2023 Pag.2517-2523 ISBN:978-84-09-49026-4 | |
Technology, Education and Development Conference Valencia 6-8 March, 2023 | |
Vegliante, Rosa; Marzano, Antonio; Miranda, Sergio; Montefusco, Carole | |
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2023 | |
Contributo in Atti di convegno | |
DISTANCE LEARNING IN HIGHER EDUCATION DURING EMERGENCY REMOTE TEACHING: AN ANALYSIS OF TEACHING PRACTICES. In: INTED 2023, 17th International Technology, Education and Development Conference Valencia INTED2023 Pag.2532-2538 ISBN:978-84-09-49026-4 | |
Technology, Education and Development Conference Valencia 6-8 March, 2023 | |
Vegliante, Rosa; Marzano, Antonio; Miranda, Sergio; Santonicola, Mariagrazia | |
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2023 | |
Contributo in Atti di convegno | |
Rileggere il ruolo della famiglia nel mutato ambiente di apprendimento. In: Sistemi educativi, Orientamento, Lavoro Lecce Pensa MultiMedia Vol.12, Pag.359-362 ISBN:9791255680598 | |
Sistemi educativi, Orientamento, Lavoro Bologna 3 e 4 gennaio 2023 | |
Vegliante, Rosa | |
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