ISIDORO RUSSO | Curriculum
Isidoro Russo graduated with honors in Architecture and Building Engineering at the University of Salerno in 2018. In 2018, he was an intern at Drever International based in Belgium. In 2021, he obtained a PhD title in "Risk and Sustainability in Civil, Architectural and Environmental Systems (XXXIV cycle)" - address "Advanced technologies, infrastructure and land protection for sustainable development" - at the Department of Civil Engineering of the University of Salerno, where since 2022 he is a Junior Researcher in “Roads, railways and airports”.
He collaborates by supervising the realization of bachelor’s and master’s degree theses on topics related to roads, railways and airports. Since 2018, he is a member of the Laboratory of "Roads, Railways and Airports" (link) based at the Department of Civil Engineering of the University of Salerno. Since 2023, he contributes to teaching in the course of “Fundamentals of Road Design and Construction” for the bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering and the bachelor’s degree in Civil and Environment Engineering, as well as in the course of “Roads, railways and airports” for the master’s degree in Civil Engineering.
His main areas of research include: statistical analysis of accidents, risk analysis, computational fluid dynamics, people evacuation process, concrete spalling, road pavement combustion, road tunnel resilience, traffic simulation, and electric vehicle safety. He is an Editorial Member of the journal "Digital Transportation and Safety (link)", as well as an Academic Editor of the journal "PLOS ONE (link)". He was Chief Guest Editor of the Special Issue “Risk and Resilience Analysis of Road Tunnels” of “Sustainability”, and is Chief Guest Editor of the Special Issue “Sustainable Transportation: Driving Behaviours and Road Safety” of “Sustainability” (link). He was a speaker at several national and international conferences, receiving the best paper award in the field of road tunnels' safety at "The 9th Symposium on Pavement Surface Characteristics". He is a co-author of 18 papers published in international and national journals and conference proceedings, as well as a reviewer for international journals such as “Applied Sciences”, “Infrastructures”, “Scientific Reports”, “Reliability Engineering & System Safety”, “Transportation Research Record”, “Sustainability”, and “Journal of Transportation Safety & Security”.