
Giovanna FERRARI Curriculum

2000 to date - Professor of Chemical Engineering at University of Salerno, Industrial Engineering Department

2006 to date - President of the Board of Directors of the Consortium ProdAl, created as evolution of Regional Centre of Competence on Agro-Industrial Production, located at the University of Salerno

1986-1987 - Visiting researcher - Awarded with a scholarship of Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, she carried out research activity on "Modeling of spray-drying" at the Department of Food Science, University of Wageningen

1994 - Visiting scientist - Experimental Station DuPont de Nemours Co., DE, USA. The research activity was on "Powder discharge from aerated hoppers". To complete this activity she received a grant of $50.000

1999-2004 - Chairman of the Board of Professor of Chemical Engineering, in charge of the implementation of the University reform (Bologna Process law 509)

2002–2006 – Rector’s Delegate - Responsible of the Regional Centre of Competence on Agro-Industrial Production. The financial support to this project was 25 MiEuro (POR 2000-2006)

2005, 2009 and 2012 - Visiting Professor - University of Applied Science Frankfurt am Main, D, teaching an official compulsory course on “Unit operations in the food industry”

2010 to date - Science Advisory Body (SAB) Member of Pulse Science Cluster - Agri-Science Cluster Program - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.

2012-2015 - EU Project COST TD1104 MC Member and WG2 leader for application of electroporation in Food and Pharma sector. The network includes 25 EU and 8 nonEU Countries to create a “European Network for the development of technologies and treatments based on electroporation (EP4Bio2Med)”

Her research activities are in the following subjects:

- Technology innovation in the food processing industry

- Experimental and modeling two-phase (air-solid) systems

Prof. Ferrari is author of more than 160 papers in the field of food process engineering and powder technology (77 on international peer reviewed journals)