
PAOLA AIELLO Pubblicazioni

Abstract in Atti di convegno
Hypothesis of a didactic and experimental research protocol focused on sport-play experience during childhood in Italy.
In: Abstracts book NOTO MARINA Società Italiana delle Scienze Motorie e Sportive Pag.21-22
I Convegno Nazionale SISMES
Noto Marina (SR) 2-3 ottobre
Galdieri, M; Delia, F; Sibilio, Maurizio; Aiello, Paola; Lipoma, M; Carlomagno, N.
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Abstract in Atti di convegno
Analysis of a possible relationship between motor and sport activities and type of plantar pressure distribution in children attending the nursery school in Italy.
In: Book of Abstracts Kallithea, Chalkidiki International Association of Sport Kinetics Pag.297-297
Carlomagno, N.; D’Elia, F.; Ambretti, Antinea; Aiello, Paola; Baldassarre, Giuseppe; Galdieri, Michela; Sibilio, Maurizio
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Abstract in Atti di convegno
The sense of gender motor threshold in Ars Gladiatoria: the case of women in the arena in ancient Rome.
In: Book of Abstracts Pag.34-34
14° Convegno Internazionale del CESH / 1° Convegno Nazionale della SISS
Pisa 17-20 settembre 2009
Carlomagno, N.; Patti, D.; D’Elia, F.; Aiello, Paola; Lipoma, M.; Sibilio, Maurizio
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Abstract in Atti di convegno
Body and health: the caloric effects of a didactic focused on the body and movement for the access to knowledge.
In: Book of Abstracts Oslo ECSS Vol.1, Pag.237-237
14th Annual Congress of ECSS “Sport Sciences: Nature, Nurture and Culture”
Oslo (Norvegia) 24-27 giugno 2009
D'Elia, Francesca; Galdieri, Michela; Baldassarre, Giuseppe; Aiello, Paola; Sibilio, Maurizio
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